1. 加入头马俱乐部;
其中,第三步很是关键。必须选不上主席,才有机会竞选VPE(Vice President Education教育副主席)。当然了,想要成为最年轻的,就只能像我一样早点加入头马了。
从11.11号俱乐部周年庆结束后的餐桌上我就开始了这个漫长的准备过程。加入凤凰社一年以来都是以助理的身份(半年VPM助理和半年VPE助理)出现的,没有正式的Officer Title,想要跟做了一年的VPE竞争,必须早点准备啊!
7个职位的角逐,竞选会议足足开了近3个小时。场面真的是异常激烈,bloody!很幸运见证俱乐部第21届官员的诞生,也很荣幸成为其中的一员,感谢大家的信任。2018.1.1——2018.6.30这半年,我和我的VPE Team一定全力以赴,为大家打造高质量的会议,让所有来宾都有非常棒的体验!
I’m ready for being the president for the next term. Because I’m willing to keep serving my fellow toastmasters.
As for me, my biggest strength is time and energy. I’m jobless、homeless. I could spent more time in EF Phoenixes. My girlfriend said she can accept that Toastmaster is my top priority for the next six months.
I’ve been a Toastmaster for more than two years. Now when I look back, my strongest feeling is that I made much more progress this year than my first year journey. It is because of you, because of EF phoenixes. The atmosphere here is positive and supportive, you guys are gorgeous and fantastic. You inspired me a lot, helped me a lot. It’s time to make my contribution to our club, to my fellow members.
It is hard to make such a club from good to great, or even fantastic, but I’d like to give it a try, and I will try harder. I firmly believe with the help of senior members’ suggestion、officers' contribution and members’participation,we can make it happen and we will make it. I have nothing to offer, but my time and energy, my heart and loyalty. I wanna be a DTM in the following two years and I’ll try my best to serve you as a president first.
My dear fellow toastmasters, you’re not just voting for me, you’re gonna make a new history. The youngest president and the best Toastmaster club, ha? Vote for me! The youngest president needs your vote!
It seems like I'm gonna do a table topic in two minutes. The question I got is "Why don't you guys vote me for the president for the next term?" And I didn't figure it out until I came to the stage. And the answer is "You want me to be the Vice President Education,right?” blablabla......