New Guy in Town
weird means strange,(British English call "odd")
housewarming gift
a bad feeling
I don't like Amy 's new boy friend,I've got ~about him.
I've got a bad feeling about this trip,I think like something going to happen,maybe we should go.
kicked me out force someone to leave
kicked out of bed/house/class
crip me out=make me feel uncomfortable
Stop it! You 're really ~!
scared the heck out of me
I don't know if you heard… for gossip
You have to fill me in=give me the details
Well, you will never guess what I saw this morning
Cleaning the House
such a mess means really dirty,disorganize
chores means things you have to do around the making the bed, taking out the garbege...
tidy up put things in their correct spot
spotless really clean
mall a large building with many shops inside
groceries all of the food you need to buy in the supermarket,like bread, meats,milk,vegtables
1.There's no milk,can you go to the ~ store?
2.I hate ~ shopping ,I can never find what I was looking for!
3.Here's the ~list,I need all of these things so that I can cook dinner tonight, don't forget anything.
I'm in the middle of something right now =I'm busy or I'm doing something
I'll be there in a second = I'm be there soon or I'm coming
Why don't you clean the floors and I'll go to the supermarket?=giving a suggestion :Could you … or would you…
Out of Control Spending
expenses things that you have to spend money on regularly.For example, in a company:salary, office supply, phone bills,internet bills; in a family :food,transportation,rent,or heating bill
expenditures=total among of money
1.We really control our travel ~, from now on , all managers will fly economy class.
2.Because of the rises in oil prices, ~ on food are higher than they have ever been.
out of control
go over=review
1.I need to ~the report one last time to make sure they 're no mistakes.
2.Can you help me ~my presiontation? I want to make sure it's perfect.
3.Let's ~ these numbers one more time and make sure they're no mistakes.
through the roof number is really high
Gas prices are ~ lately.
off the charts=really high
1.Oil prices have gone up and our cars are~
2.Excellent jobs!Susan! your sales are ~ this year.
3.Our losts are~, that 's it! No bonus for anyone!
I'll take care of it=I'll do something about it (take action)
I'll look into it=check/investigate something(no action)
I'm in Debt
recession a period of time when the economy of a country is doing badly.
In a ~, many people lose their jobs.
loan if you borrow money you get a loan
mortgage a type of a loan("t"doesn't pronounce)
tuition money you have to pay to your school so that you can study there.
hit me pretty hard
My divorce ~I'm so depressed.
This cold has ~, I've been in bed for a week.
The news of flood dead~, I've been cry for a days.
What can I do for you?
I'm really sorry to trouble you.
1.Can I trouble you for a moment? I just need you to sign this form for me.
2.I'm sorry to trouble you, but may I go home early today?
3.Can I trouble you for a pen?Mine is not working anymore.
on top of all that means and also
I'm sorry , I love you
knock over fall down
This morning, I ~ my coffee cup all over my desk.
familiar you think you know it, but you're not exactly sure.
1.Do you know where we are?
I have no idea. Nothing looks ~, I think we are lost!
2.You look really~,did we go to high school together?
place refer to house/apartment
eg,1.Hey! Amy ,come over to my ~for dinner tonight.
2.How's your new place?
you didn't plan it ,it just happended
1.I'm going to New York this weekend.What a ~! I am too.
2.By ~, everyone in the room whose name is Alice!
3.We met by pure~,one day we ran into each other in Dubai , and we' ve been together ever since.
Different ways about apologying
- I'm so sorry
- I feel terrible
- Please accept my apologies
I didn't mean to knock you over ,it was an accident!