

How to break the back of the baffling employment problem

break the back of:完成某事最艰巨部分;克服主要障碍;解决主要困难(或矛盾)
e.g.We can break the back of this work today if we really try.

[1] 2017届全国普通高校毕业生预计795万人,比去年增加约30万人。今年是建国以来大学毕业生最多的一年。而大学毕业生就业与劳动力市场的供需错位、高校学科设置缺乏特色、大学生自身定位失衡等矛盾,共同促成了“最难就业年”的诞生。

[1] In 2017 it is expected that colleges and universities nationwide will hatch out 7.95 million graduates, 300,000 more graduates than last year. This year will be a marker or the toughest year witnessing the largest number of job seekers from college since the founding of the People's Republic of China. The college graduates are out of proportion to the demand of the labor market, which reflects such contradictions as the lack of features of the disciplinary layout and the improper positioning of college graduates, thus jointly contributing to the toughest or most knotty situation.
[2] “感觉‘压力山大”,去年大三送学长学姐时,感觉他们工作早就落实了。我们现在却还有很多人处于游离状态。”大四学生小伟是今年795万毕业生中的一员,“最近才把工作定下来,但我已经算幸运的了。”

[2] “I am feeling "tremendously stressed out" (=I am under tremendous pressure) but things do change totally out of expectation: at the same time last year when we, juniors, sent our seniors off, we were proud of them for having found their niche in the labor market. Many of us, however, find ourselves in an unbound state, failing to find our own niche,” said Xiao Wei, one of 7.95 million graduates this year, a senior or a would-be job seeker, “I just had myself signed up a few days ago, but anyhow I am really a lucky dog.”
[3] 以高校云集的北京为例,最近发布的毕业生签约率不禁令人心寒,据悉,今年北京普通高等学校毕业生22.9万人。截至3月21日,高校毕业生签约率为28.24%,其中研究生签约率36.59%,本科生签约率26.6%,专科生签约率16.84%。
[3] Let’s take for example Beijing which is favorably swarmed with so many famous universities: The recent release of the signing rate for college graduates is dismally chilling. As it is reported, the number of college graduates in Beijing registers 0.229 million. By March 21, the graduate signing rate approximated up to 28.24%, particularly postgraduates accounting for 36.59%, undergraduates for 26.6% and junior college graduates for 16.84%.
[4] 上海地区的应届生就业形势也不容乐观。据上海市教委统计,截至3月19日,今年上海高校毕业生总体签约率为44.4%,比2016年同期下降2个百分点。
[4] This year’ graduates from Shanghai will not be optimistic about their employment. According to the statistics from Shanghai Municipal Education Commission, the total signing rate for shanghai graduates was 44.4% by March 19, decreased by 2 percentage point over the same period last year.

[5] 虽然僧多粥少,但在就业竞争中,也有些专业相对好找工作。在对2016 届毕业生的调查中,签约率最高的是制造大类专业,其次是电信及电子信息专业。高职高专和本科毕业生签约企业主要集中在民营企业,硕士主要集中在国有企业。

[5] Although jobs are not sufficiently available to satisfy all the graduates, some majors may still find it easier to land a better job in spite of the severe competition. Based on a 2016 graduate survey, students majoring at manufacturing programs have the lion’s share out of the total signing rate, followed by telecommunications and electronic information majors. Graduates from vocational-technical colleges are mainly contracted into the privately-run enterprises while masters are mainly signed up by state-owned ones.
[6] 值得注意的是,早几年高考时大家一窝蜂涌向的所谓热门行业,出现了签约率下滑的情况。

[6]It is noteworthy that the so-called popular majors strongly attracting the senior high school applicants who measured their respective strength against each other at the university entrance examinations a few years ago just lose the luster with the dropping signing rate.

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