71-89 新概念英语第一册笔记

Lesson 71 He's awful

  • Vocabulary

    • answer the telephone 接电话 awful 极坏的,不舒服的 terrible horrible 可怕的
    • last night 昨晚 last call 最后一个电话 last name 姓 three times 三次
    • the day before yesterday 前天
  • Language Points

    • 实意动词在一般过去时中的使用

      • 实意动词过去式:

        • 规则变化:
          • 在动词后面加 "ed"
            • answer - answered
            • wait - waited
          • 以字母e结尾的,只加 "d"
            • telephone - telephoned
            • arrive - arrived
        • 不规则变化:
          • do - did
          • sing - sang
          • make - made
      • What did he want?

        • What did he want yesterday?
      • 你昨天干什么了?

        • What did you do yesterday?
      • 第三人称

        • What did she / he / it do yesterday?
      • 复数

        • What did they do yesterday?
      • 问答

        • What did you do yesterday?

          • I aired the room yesterday.
        • What did she do yesterday morning?

          • she boiled an egg yesterday morning.
        • what did they do yesterday?

          • They cleaned their shoes yesterday.
        • What did he do the day before yesterday?

          • He stayed in bed in morning the day before yesterday.
  • He telephoned again.

    • but I didn't answer the phone. 没接电话
  • Did he telephone again last night?

    • Yes he did. / No he didn't.
  • 过去某个时间做了什么

    • When did you get up this morning?

    • When did you have lunch today?

  • 电话中 this is 我是 / that is 你是?

    • Is that Sue?
    • Yes this is Sue.
  • telephone s.b.

  • call s.b.

  • I usually telephone / call my grandparents at the weekend.

    • Tom usually telephones her parents after school
  • I have an awful headache.

  • This is awful.

  • What's Ron Marston like, Pauline?

    • What's ... like :是个什么样的人?
    • Pauline, Ron Marston 是个什么样的人?
  • Review
    • 实意动词一般过去时的变化:
      • 规则变化:词尾+ed,e结尾的+d
      • 不规则变化:自己累积
    • 一般疑问句 -
      • Did he telephone again last night?
      • Yes he did No he didn't
    • 特殊疑问句:
      • What did she do yesterday?
      • When did you get up this morning?

Lesson 73 The way to King Street

  • Vocabulary
    • 过去时
      • speak - spoke; go - went understand - understood see - saw say - said
      • do - did is - was take - took give - gave eat - ate swim - swam
      • open - opened find - found read[rid] - read[red] 拼写不变,读音变
      • lose - lost leave - left
    • 副词
      • suddenly 突然的 pleasantly 愉快的 slowly 缓慢的 thirstily 口渴的
      • hurriedly 匆忙的 warmly 热情的
    • other
      • phrase 短语 tourist 游客 smile 微笑 cut 割 greet 迎接 take out 拿出来
      • enjoy oneself 玩的开心
  • Language Points
    • She does not know London very well, and she lost her way
    • Can you tell me the way to king street, please!
    • Can you tell me the way to the nearest post office?
    • He didn't understand English!
    • I'm didn't do my homework last night.
    • he put his hand into his pocket, and took out a phrasebook.
    • What did you do?
      • I gave he a glass of water.
    • What did he do?
      • He took a cake ,and ate it quickly
    • What did they do this morning?
      • They worked very hard this morning.
    • What did you do last night?
      • We enjoyed ourselves very much last night.
  • Review
    • 一些动词过去时的不规则变化
    • What did they do yesterday?
    • He didn't understand English.

Lesson 75 Uncomfortable shoes

  • Vocabulary
    • 过去式
      • buy - bought meet - met drink - drank
    • high-heels 高跟鞋 the year before last 前年 the day before yesterday 前天
    • wear 穿 comfortable 舒服的 pair 一对 fashion 时尚 in fashion 正在流行
    • wear a pair of grasses wear shoes wear a tie a pair of socks
    • I'm afraid that I can't 恐怕不行
  • Language Points

    • What wrong with the fashionable shoes?

      • Those fashionable shoes are very uncomfortable.
  • I sometimes feel uncomfortable after eating in the evening

  • long skirt have come into fashion again.

  • like this / like these 定语

    • I want a dress like this.

    • I want a pair of shoes like these.

  • but my sister bought this pair last month.

  • I bought a new book the day before yesterday.

  • when did she bought this shoes?

  • When did you wash your hands?

    • I washed my hands a minute ago.
  • When did you dust your cupboard?

    • I dusted my cupboard 3days ago.
  • She goes to town everyday. # 单数第三人称

  • She went to town yesterday. # 一般过去时态

  • These shoes are in fashion now
  • A:They look very uncomfortable.

  • B:They are very uncomfortable. They are 表示对A表达的肯定.确实uncomfortable

  • Review
    • 一般过去时常见的时间状语,(都会的没有记)
    • I'm afraid that I can't


you can't buy happiness with money

Lesson 77 Terrible toothache

  • Vocabulary
    • appointment 预约 urgent 紧急的 dentist 牙医 awful 难受的可怕的
    • terrible 糟糕的
  • Language Points

    • Do you have an appointment?

    • Can't you wait till this afternoon?

  • Can you come at 10 a.m. on Monday, April 24th?

  • I must see the dentist now, nurse.

  • The dentist very busy at the moment.

  • Can you come at 2 p.m.?

  • That's very late,Can the dentist see me now?

  • I'm afraid that he can't Mr. Croft. # 恐怕他不能 do something.

  • Can you wait till this afternoon?

  • I can wait, but my toothache can't!

  • 改过去时

  • She goes to town every day.

    • She went to town yesterday.
  • She buys a new car every year.

    • She bought a new car last year.
  • She empties this basket every day.

    • She emptied this basket yesterday.
  • 名词变复数,有一些规律,字母Y结尾的单词

    • e.g.

    • boy - boys tray - trays # Y在元音后面直接+S

    • family - families city - cities # Y在辅音后面 去y + ies

    • 动词变化第三人称单数时, 去y+ies;

    • 动词过去式变化时,把去y + ied;

    • e.g.

      • fly - flies - flied
  • It's eight o'clock, when did you see him?

  • Half an hour ago.

  • I saw him at half past seven.

  • It's Friday, when did she go to London?

  • The day before yesterday.

  • She went to London on Wednesday.

  • 用了last 就不用+介词 on,at 了

    • I met her last night. # 昨晚
    • I met him last summer. # 去年夏天
    • I met him this morning
  • Review
    • 一般过去时
    • Do you have an appointment?
    • Can't you wait till this afternoon? 否定疑问句

Lesson 79 Carol's shopping list

  • Vocabulary
    • urgent need 急需 haven't got 没有(get的现在完成时否定式)
    • at all 一点,根本 needn't 不需要
  • Language Points

    • need to do sth.

      • I need to talk to you.

      • You needn't talk so loud here.

  • noun need:

    • e.g. urgent need for something;
  • What do we need?

  • We need a log of things this week.

  • much(单数不可数名词)、many(复数可数名词) 表示量多量少的表达

  • any、some 表示这个东西是有还是没有

    • We haven't got much tea or coffee.

    • We haven't got any sugar or jam.

  • at all 否定句里表示强调

    • We haven't got any meat at all (我们一点肉都没有了)

    • I don't like spicy food at all

  • 不准备do something.

    • I'm not going to watch TV today.
  • 你有什么吗 have you got 提问

    • Have you got any cheese?

    • I need a lot of cheese. I haven't got much.

  • 他有信封吗? 单数第三人称提问。

    • 用have的单数第三人称形式has

    • Has he got any envelopes?

    • He needs a lot of envelopes. He hasn't any.

  • I hope that 一般后面跟从句(从句 - 一个完整的句子,主谓宾完整的句子。)

    • I hope that you have got some money.
    • I haven't got money.
    • Well, I haven't got much, either.(either否定句的too)
  • Review
    • have got 同 have
    • many(可数名词)much(不可数名词)a lot of 都可以用
    • at all 一点,丝毫
      • e.g. I don't like spicy at all.

Lesson 81 Roast beef and tomatoes

  • Vocabulary
    • nearly 差不多、几乎 eat at home 在家吃饭 restaurant 餐馆 roast 烤
    • once in a while 偶尔 haircut 理发 holiday 假日 vacation 假期
    • downstairs 在楼下 get ready 做好准备 cigarette 香烟
  • Language Points

    • I am nearly ready.

    • three meals a day - 一日三餐

      • breakfast lunch dinner
  • have 搭配

    • have a look 瞧一瞧看一看

    • have a bath

    • have a dinner

    • have a glass of whisky then

    • We can have dinner at 7 o'clock.

  • I had a cup of coffee. drank

  • You had a good time. enjoyed

  • They are having their lunch. eating

  • Review
    • have 构成的动词短语
    • nearly ready

Lesson 83 Going on holiday!

  • Vocabulary
    • already 已经 just 刚刚 tidy 整洁的 pack 打包装箱 suitcase 手提箱
    • clothes 衣服 suitcase 手提箱 mess 杂乱 leave for 动身去
    • We're == We are
  • Language Points

    • The present perfect 现在完成时

      • 现在完成时的结构:

        • 主语 + have的现在时 + 过去分词。

        • 如果主语是单数第三人称,have需变成has

  • I've already had lunch.

  • I've just had a cup.

  • We are going to leave for Greece,tomorrow.

  • You can leave the hospital tomorrow.

  • We need to pack our clothes.

  • I cannot put my all clothes in my little suitcase

  • What a mess!

  • He has just arrived.

  • I've just bought a new car.

  • I've already finished my homework.

  • 我已经吃了午饭了。我在12点半吃的午饭。

    • I've already had lunch. (现在完成时)
    • I had lunch at half past twelve.
  • 我已经吃了咖啡了,是在午餐后喝的

    • I've just had a coffee. (现在完成时)
    • I had one after my lunch.
  • 我今年已经度过假了

    • I've already had my holiday this year. (现在完成时)
  • 现在完成时的提问:

    • Have you had your holiday this year?
    • Have you had any apples or peaches?
      • I've just had some peaches.
  • 第三人称单数 现在完成时的提问。

    • Has he had any tomatoes or potatoes?
    • He has just had some tomatoes.
  • 复数人称 they

    • 他们喝了茶还是咖啡。
      • Have they had any tea or coffee?
        • They haven't any tea.
        • They've just had some coffee.
  • Has he had any lamb or beef?

    • He hasn't had any lamb, He's just had some beef

    • 第三人称单数用has

    • 一般肯定句用some,否定句用any.

  • Where did you go?你去哪儿了?

    • I stayed at home.
  • Review
    • The present perfect 现在完成时
    • 现在完成时的构成: 主语 + have的现在式 + 过去分词
    • just、already 两个副词

Lesson 85 Paris in the spring

  • Vocabulary
    • been to 去过 cinema 电影院 ever 曾经 beautiful 魅力的
    • just now 刚才, 刚刚好
  • Language Points

    • Have you just been to the cinema?
      • Yes, I have.
  • Have been to someplace.

    • I have been to the supermarket.
    • I have been there.
  • 强调动过 - 不要the

  • 强调去地方 - 要用the

    • go to hospital - 看病,住院

    • go to the hospital - 到医院去

    • go to the park.

    • go to church.

    • go to school.

  • What's on 正在上映什么电影
  • 现在完成时

    • I've already seen it.

    • 去过不确定时间里发生的动作,对现在还有影响,或者还有某种联系。

    • 过去某一时间开始的动作一直持续到现在

    • I've already had my lunch.

    • 对现在完成时提问:

      • What have you done?
  • 一般过去时 (为什么不用加have?)

  • I saw it on television last year.

  • 一定要有具体的时间状语 - last year.

  • I had my lunch at 12 o'clock today.

  • 对一般过去时提问:

  • 给房子通通风吧 Air the room

    • 现在完成时
      • I've already aired the room.
    • 一般过去时
      • I aired the room this morning.
  • Review
    • have been to 到过某个地方
      • Have you just been to the cinema?
    • 现在完成时 & 一般过去时
    • ever(从来)never (从不) - 反义词

Lesson 87 A car crash

  • Vocabulary
    • crash 碰撞摔碎 repair 修复 mechanic 修理工 bring 拿来
    • still 仍然 drove 驾驶 驱使 truth 事实 attendant 接待员
    • train attendant 列车员 garage 车库 修车厂 roof 屋顶 mend 修理
    • drove it into 装上 lamb-port 灯柱
    • 过去分词 ‘
      • bring - brought
  • Language Points

    • Today We will listen to a story about Mr. Bob's car.

    • When did you bring it to us?

      • I brought it here three days ago?
    • They are still working on it. - working on it 正在努力

  • Trying to do sh: 努力做某事

    • I'm trying to pass the test.
  • try doing - 尝试做某事

    • I'm try doing cooking the dinner.
  • yet - 已经 还,常用语现在完成时

    • Have you met my mum yet?
    • We haven't finished the task yet.
  • What's the number of your car.

  • When did you bring it to us?

  • I brought it here 3 days ago.

  • 他还没走

    • He hasn't left yet
  • 还还在这

    • He is still here.
  • Have they bought a new house yet?

    • Yes, They've already bought a new houst .
  • When did they buy a new house?

    • They bought a new house 2 weeks ago.
  • 一般过去式 和 过去分词

    • 规则动词

      • 变过去式 和 过去分词 都是在动词后面加ed,如果是字母e结尾,那直接加d
  • Didn't you have a crash?

  • Isn't that your car?

  • Review
    • yet / still
    • 动词过去式,过去分词形式

Lesson 89 For sale

  • Vocabulary

    • for sale 出售 decide 决定 since last word 最后决定权 fate 命运

    • sell 出售 sold 卖掉了 retire 退休 retired 退休了 cost 花费

    • worth 相当于...价值 sense 感觉 I believe that 我认为 of course 当然

    • penny 便士

  • Language Points

    • How long have you lived here?

      • I've lived here for 20 years.
  • cost

    • The dress cost me three hundred.
    • I didn't buy this camera,because it cost to much.
  • worth

    • Our house is worth about 100000 pounds.

    • How mush is this bookcase worth.

    • It isn't worth repairing the car - it isn't worth 不值得

  • since

    • I've been here since 1976.

    • Since the year 1848

    • I have studied English since 1998.

- 他来这里已经5周了

- He has been here since five weeks ago.
  • 一般疑问句提问

    • They did their homework last night.

    • Did they do their homework last night?

    • They didn't do their homework last night.

- Did you read this book last week?

- Yes, I read this book last week.

- What about Penny?

- She hasn't read this book yet.
  • text

    • Good afternoon I believe that this house is for sale.
    • That's right.
    • May I have a look at it, please?
    • Yes of course Come in.
    • How long have you lived here?
    • I've lived here for twenty years.
    • Twenty years! That's a long time.
    • Yes, I've been here since 1976.
    • Then why do you want sell it?
    • Because I've just retired. I want to buy a small house in the county.
    • How much does this house cost?
    • £68500.
    • That's a lot of money!
    • It's worth every penny of it.
    • Well,I like the house but I can't decide yet.
    • My wife must see it first.
    • Women always have the last word.
  • Review
    • How long have you lived here?
      • I've lived here for 20 years
    • cost, worth
      • How much does this house cost?
      • It's worth every penny of it.
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