docker registry token验证分析

docker registry通过htpasswd,silly,token等多种方式进行安全认证,在这里我用的是token这种方式。

    issuer: dtest
    realm: http://ip:5013/registry/v1/token
    rootcertbundle: /etc/registry/root.crt
    service: token-service


当配置好以后执行docker login ip:5000进行登录的时候无法登录成功并且给返回authorization server did not include a token in the response错误信息,查看registry 日志发现有这样一条错误日志
WARN[0024] error authorizing context: authorization token required


func (app *App) dispatcher(dispatch dispatchFunc) http.Handler {
        return http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
                for headerName, headerValues := range app.Config.HTTP.Headers {
                        for _, value := range headerValues {
                                w.Header().Add(headerName, value)

                context := app.context(w, r)

                if err := app.authorized(w, r, context); err != nil {
                        ctxu.GetLogger(context).Warnf("error authorizing context: %v", err)

可以看到错误是在最下面返回的,既然如此那么出问题的地方已经定位,就看看app.authorized(w, r, context)这个里面究竟是什么鬼东西。

func (app *App) authorized(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, context *Context) error {
        ctxu.GetLogger(context).Debug("authorizing request")
        repo := getName(context)

        if app.accessController == nil {
                return nil // access controller is not enabled.

        var accessRecords []auth.Access

        if repo != "" {
                accessRecords = appendAccessRecords(accessRecords, r.Method, repo)
                if fromRepo := r.FormValue("from"); fromRepo != "" {
                        // mounting a blob from one repository to another requires pull (GET)
                        // access to the source repository.
                        accessRecords = appendAccessRecords(accessRecords, "GET", fromRepo)
        } else {
                // Only allow the name not to be set on the base route.
                if app.nameRequired(r) {
                        // For this to be properly secured, repo must always be set for a
                        // resource that may make a modification. The only condition under
                        // which name is not set and we still allow access is when the
                        // base route is accessed. This section prevents us from making
                        // that mistake elsewhere in the code, allowing any operation to
                        // proceed.
                        if err := errcode.ServeJSON(w, errcode.ErrorCodeUnauthorized); err != nil {
                                ctxu.GetLogger(context).Errorf("error serving error json: %v (from %v)", err, context.Errors)
                        return fmt.Errorf("forbidden: no repository name")
                accessRecords = appendCatalogAccessRecord(accessRecords, r)

        ctx, err := app.accessController.Authorized(context.Context, accessRecords...)
        if err != nil {
                switch err := err.(type) {
                case auth.Challenge:
                        // Add the appropriate WWW-Auth header

                        if err := errcode.ServeJSON(w, errcode.ErrorCodeUnauthorized.WithDetail(accessRecords)); err != nil {
                                ctxu.GetLogger(context).Errorf("error serving error json: %v (from %v)", err, context.Errors)
                        // This condition is a potential security problem either in
                        // the configuration or whatever is backing the access
                        // controller. Just return a bad request with no information
                        // to avoid exposure. The request should not proceed.
                        ctxu.GetLogger(context).Errorf("error checking authorization: %v", err)

                return err


registry/auth/htpasswd/access.go:func (ac *accessController) Authorized(ctx context.Context, accessRecords ...auth.Access) (context.Context, error) {
registry/auth/silly/access.go:func (ac *accessController) Authorized(ctx context.Context, accessRecords ...auth.Access) (context.Context, error) {
registry/auth/token/accesscontroller.go:func (ac *accessController) Authorized(ctx context.Context, accessItems ...auth.Access) (context.Context, error) {


func (ac *accessController) Authorized(ctx context.Context, accessItems ...auth.Access) (context.Context, error) {
        challenge := &authChallenge{
                realm:     ac.realm,
                service:   ac.service,
                accessSet: newAccessSet(accessItems...),

        req, err := context.GetRequest(ctx)
        if err != nil {
                return nil, err

        parts := strings.Split(req.Header.Get("Authorization"), " ")

        if len(parts) != 2 || strings.ToLower(parts[0]) != "bearer" {
                challenge.err = ErrTokenRequired
                return nil, challenge

终于看到 原来我的返回的token没有符合格式要求。


func NewToken(rawToken string) (*Token, error) {
        parts := strings.Split(rawToken, TokenSeparator)
        if len(parts) != 3 {
                return nil, ErrMalformedToken

        var (
                rawHeader, rawClaims   = parts[0], parts[1]
                headerJSON, claimsJSON []byte
                err                    error

        defer func() {
                if err != nil {
                        log.Infof("error while unmarshalling raw token: %s", err)

        if headerJSON, err = joseBase64UrlDecode(rawHeader); err != nil {
                err = fmt.Errorf("unable to decode header: %s", err)
                return nil, ErrMalformedToken

        if claimsJSON, err = joseBase64UrlDecode(rawClaims); err != nil {
                err = fmt.Errorf("unable to decode claims: %s", err)
                return nil, ErrMalformedToken

        token := new(Token)
        token.Header = new(Header)
        token.Claims = new(ClaimSet)

        token.Raw = strings.Join(parts[:2], TokenSeparator)
        if token.Signature, err = joseBase64UrlDecode(parts[2]); err != nil {
                err = fmt.Errorf("unable to decode signature: %s", err)
                return nil, ErrMalformedToken

        if err = json.Unmarshal(headerJSON, token.Header); err != nil {
                return nil, ErrMalformedToken

        if err = json.Unmarshal(claimsJSON, token.Claims); err != nil {
                return nil, ErrMalformedToken

        return token, nil


type ClaimSet struct {
        // Public claims
        Issuer     string `json:"iss"`
        Subject    string `json:"sub"`
        Audience   string `json:"aud"`
        Expiration int64  `json:"exp"`
        NotBefore  int64  `json:"nbf"`
        IssuedAt   int64  `json:"iat"`
        JWTID      string `json:"jti"`

        // Private claims
        Access []*ResourceActions `json:"access"`

// Header describes the header section of a JSON Web Token.
type Header struct {
        Type       string           `json:"typ"`
        SigningAlg string           `json:"alg"`
        KeyID      string           `json:"kid,omitempty"`
        X5c        []string         `json:"x5c,omitempty"`
        RawJWK     *json.RawMessage `json:"jwk,omitempty"`

// Token describes a JSON Web Token.
type Token struct {
        Raw       string
        Header    *Header
        Claims    *ClaimSet
        Signature []byte


func (t *Token) Verify(verifyOpts VerifyOptions) error {
        // Verify that the Issuer claim is a trusted authority.
        if !contains(verifyOpts.TrustedIssuers, t.Claims.Issuer) {
                log.Infof("token from untrusted issuer: %q", t.Claims.Issuer)
                return ErrInvalidToken

        // Verify that the Audience claim is allowed.
        log.Info("||||||||||||,", verifyOpts.AcceptedAudiences, t.Claims.Audience)
        if !contains(verifyOpts.AcceptedAudiences, t.Claims.Audience) {
                log.Infof("token intended for another audience: %q", t.Claims.Audience)
                return ErrInvalidToken

        // Verify that the token is currently usable and not expired.
        currentTime := time.Now()

        ExpWithLeeway := time.Unix(t.Claims.Expiration, 0).Add(Leeway)
        if currentTime.After(ExpWithLeeway) {
                log.Infof("token not to be used after %s - currently %s", ExpWithLeeway, currentTime)
                return ErrInvalidToken

        NotBeforeWithLeeway := time.Unix(t.Claims.NotBefore, 0).Add(-Leeway)
        if currentTime.Before(NotBeforeWithLeeway) {
                log.Infof("token not to be used before %s - currently %s", NotBeforeWithLeeway, currentTime)
                return ErrInvalidToken

        // Verify the token signature.
        if len(t.Signature) == 0 {
                log.Info("token has no signature")
                return ErrInvalidToken

        // Verify that the signing key is trusted.
        signingKey, err := t.VerifySigningKey(verifyOpts)
        if err != nil {
                return ErrInvalidToken

        // Finally, verify the signature of the token using the key which signed it.
        if err := signingKey.Verify(strings.NewReader(t.Raw), t.Header.SigningAlg, t.Signature); err != nil {
                log.Infof("unable to verify token signature: %s", err)
                return ErrInvalidToken

        return nil


func (t *Token) accessSet() accessSet {
        if t.Claims == nil {
                return nil

        accessSet := make(accessSet, len(t.Claims.Access))

        for _, resourceActions := range t.Claims.Access {
                resource := auth.Resource{
                        Type: resourceActions.Type,
                        Name: resourceActions.Name,

                set, exists := accessSet[resource]
                if !exists {
                        set = newActionSet()
                        accessSet[resource] = set

                for _, action := range resourceActions.Actions {

        return accessSet


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