When your child is a gifted athlete

When your child is a gifted athlete


Last summer,Kate Douglass qualified for the 2016 US Olympic Team Trials in swimming — atage 13.


“She probablystarted swimming competitively at about six-years-old, and she had a knack forit,” said her mother, Allison Douglass, who lives in New York. “Now she’s 14, afreshman in high school and she’s training seven days a week. We fly all overthe country for various meets.”


As thrilled asshe is for her daughter’s success, being a parent of an elite swimmer requiresa full family commitment. There are expenses for coaching and travel, the timespent on swim competitions and practice, and then there’s the fact that she’snot an only child.


“She’s theoldest of three kids, and I don’t feel like her brother and sister should haveto suffer,” Douglass said. “I would never make them sit through a five-hourswim meet, so it’s a lot of split time where I’m at a meet and my husband iswith the other two.”


This summer shewill accompany her daughter to Nebraska for the Olympic trials, where they willstay for nine days. “We are fortunate that financially we can afford to dothis,” Douglass said. “We can afford to pay for coaches and travel around, butit’s still expensive. It wouldn’t work for every family. It’s a lot ofbalancing.”

In the US, morethan 26 million children aged six to 17 played team sports in 2014, accordingto the Sports and Fitness Industry Association. In the UK, 80% of children agedfive to 15 said they’d done some form of competitive sport in the last 12months, according to the Sport and Recreation Alliance. In Australia, 60% ofkids aged five to 14 participated in at least one organized sport outside ofschool hours, according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics.


Many of us havea sporty child, but if they turn out to be a gifted athlete, here’s what youshould really know about helping him or her pursue their talent.


What it will

take:Participatingin sportat this levelis expensive, in terms of equipment,time

off work for parents, coaching, travel to competitions andregistration costs. It’s also a huge time commitment that can impact otherchildren and family members. “You’ve really got to go into it with your eyesopen,” said Nick Holt, a professor in the faculty of physical education andrecreation at the University of Alberta, Canada. “That sport is going to

become a major part of your life. When you’re not at work, you’re basically

supporting your child’s sport.It’s a hard slog.”


The Douglass family, for instance, findit nearly impossible to take a holiday together that will fit around Kate’sswim schedule.“Swimming is a grueling sport and you can’ttake a week off from it,” Allison said. “It limits our family travel, which isa bit of an issue for us.”


Holt alsobelieves that if you aren't resilient,you should steer

clear.“The best athletes in the world constantly make mistakes,”Holt said. “It’s not about making mistakes, it’s about being able to reboundfrom them.” If, as a parent, you find it hard to watch your child fail,oryou’ll be tempted to lean hard on him if he plays at less than his best, thisis not the lifestyle for you.


How long you

need to prepare:Thisvaries a great deal, because athletes peak in different sports at differentages. That said, experts believe you should give sporty children a broad basein a variety of activities before singling one out in which they specialize.Let them try different sports, or spend time running around outdoors learningfundamental movement skills before focusing on one thing.


“Sometimes parents think they’ve got to gettheir kids in whatever sport as early as possible, and give them extra trainingand specialized coaching,” Holt said. “But there’s a greater chance of thatleading to injury, and then the kid is burning out by the time they’re ateenager because they’ve had enough.”


That said, ifyour child is showing signs of being particularly skilled in one field, you maywant to start saving toward future expenses, which will add up fast.

Do it now:Remember that you’re a parent, not a coach. “Ideally, a child has a couple ofparents who play roles that are appropriate for a mother and father to play,”said Peter Jensen, who has a Ph.D. in sport psychology and is the founder ofPerformance Coaching in Ontario.“Then when the child is elite, whether it’smusic or sport, they need expert outside advice, which usually comes in theform of a coach.”


When a parentstarts doling out coaching advice, they are blurring the lines, depriving thechild of a parent and adding one too many coaches to the pool. “I’m not sayingyou abdicate responsibility, but once you’ve found a decent coach for yourchild, you want to stay on the other side of that,” Jensen said.


Make sure yourchild is in the driving seat. Each year, you should check in with your miniathlete in the off-season and make sure they are still interested in playingthe sport again next year. It should be your child’s decision and motivation,not yours. “Parents get stars in their eyes, and a lot of them were engaged inactivities themselves and didn’t succeed,” Jensen said. “They get caught up in‘vicarious success syndrome.’ Just because someone is good at something, itdoesn’t mean they want to do it, and you have got to give kids the option.”


Cut costs whereyou can. All your expenses can add up quickly, but there are ways to save timeand money. Take turns car-sharing kids to practices and sign up for coaching ingroups, if your sport allows it. Some parents also volunteer with a club to getpart of their fees waived. Others fundraise for their team to reduce travel orcompetition costs.


For MichelleGesky, whose 12-year-old daughter excels in horse riding, keeping expenses downmeans leasing a horse at a local stable instead of buying one. “There are kidsout there who have really beautiful horses,” said Gesky, who lives in New York.“I’m not one of those parents who can afford the $120,000 horse.”


Be willing toask questions. When your child reaches a certain level, you may feel out ofyour depth because you don’t know enough about the sport or the training toknow what the best steps are. “How do you know what advice to take, and what’sbest for your child?” Gesky said. She recommends each parent does theirresearch by talking to other parents or going online, or in her daughter’s sporttalking to different stable managers, or people who have owned horses foryears. “You have to get your hands dirty by being a heavy communicator,” shesaid.


Do it

later:Don’thang your hat on dreams of a ‘pro’ career. If you’re pushing your child tocompete at an elite level because you have hopes of a professional sportscareer and sizeable payday, you may want to check your ego. “The odds areastronomical that that’s going to happen,” Jensen said.


Know thatscholarships are also scarce. In places where university is very expensive(such as the US), shining at a sport could land your child a less expensive orfree place at school. But those prizes are rare—only about 2% of high schoolathletes get some form of athletic scholarship to compete in university,according to the US National Collegiate Athletic Association.


That said,success depends on your sport, and it’s not impossible. Gesky has found thatcolleges with equestrian programs often have trainers at tournaments who may belooking for future team members. “A lot of these kids get scholarshipoffers out of having participated in this,” she said.


Do it smarter:Realise that it’s an investment — inyour child. The money you’re spending can feel like a down payment on futuresuccess. But if your child decides, at 16, or halfway through college, thatshe’s done with her sport, it’s not money wasted. Years of athletic endeavourswill likely teach your child to handle adversity, be part of a team, work hardeven on bad days, and to juggle sport and school commitments. “She’s learnedall kinds of things that are going to be valuable life lessons,” Jensen said.


“I think it’sjust about balance and keeping things in perspective,” Allison Douglass said.“As long as she’s getting something out of it, we’re all getting something outof it.”


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