


就像伯斯特(Joel Best )说提到,虽然“我们把统计结果当成我们发现的事实,而不是我们创造的数字……统计不能独立存在”,但是它们是复杂信息的汇总。他解释道,有时候统计错误是有意的,但是更多的是“它们是混乱,能力不足,无知或有意选择,自以为是努力制造出来的数据,它们重申了他们的拥护者们认为公正和正确的原则以及利益,当评价任何统计数据时,最好问3个问题:“谁创造了它?为什么目的创造的?它是如何被创造出来的?”











In the broad sense, the term statistics applies to any information that can be quantified, for example, the changes in average temperature over a period of time to determine whether the phenomenon of global warming is occurring.The term statistics may also be used more narrowly to mean quantifiable information about a group that is obtained by contacting, or otherwise accounting for, every individual in the group. The U.S. Census is one example of statistics in this sense. Others are the voting records of U.S. senators, the percentage of automobile fatalities involving drunk driving, the fluctuations in immigration patterns over the past century, the percentage of unwed mothers who come from one-parent homes, and the comparative education and income levels of various racial-ethnic groups.

As Joel Best notes, although “we think of statistics as facts that we discover, not as numbers we create . . . , statistics do not exist independently” but are summaries of complex information. Sometimes statistical errors are intentional, he explains, but more often “they are the result of confusion, incompetence, innumeracy, or selective, self-righteous efforts to produce numbers that reaffirm principles and interests that their advocates consider just and right.” Best recommends asking three questions when evaluating any statistic: “Who created it? For what purpose was it created? How was it created?”1

When evaluating statistical information, ask, as well, What is the source of the statistics? Is the source reliable? How old are the data? Have any important factors changed since the data were collected?


Surveys are among the most common tools used by professionals, particularly in the social sciences. Because the data obtained from surveys are quantifiable, surveys are often included under the broad heading of statistics. However, we are considering them separately to highlight one distinguishing characteristic: Surveys typically obtain data by contacting, not every individual in the group (known as a population), but a representative sample of the group. Surveys are conducted by telephone contact, mail, or personal interview. The sampling may be random, systematic (for example, every tenth or hundredth person in a telephone directory), or stratified (the exact proportion of the component members of the group; for example, 51 percent women and 49 percent men).

“Public attitudes toward most social issues,” Joel Best warns, “are too complex to be classified in simple pros and cons, or to be measured by a single survey question.” Moreover, those who conduct surveys realize that “the way questions are worded affects results,” and, if they are dishonest, they can frame their questions in a way that advances their personal agendas.2

When evaluating a survey, ask, Was the sample truly representative? That is, did all members of the total population surveyed have an equal chance of being selected? Were the questions clear and unambiguous?Were they objectively phrased rather than slanted? In the case of a mailed survey, did a significant number fail to respond? If so, how might nonrespondents differ from respondents? Also, do other surveys corroborate the survey’s findings?


There are two kinds of formal observational studies. In detached observation the observer does not interact with the individuals being studied. A child psychologist, for example, might visit a school playground and watch how the children behave. In participant observation the researcher is involved in the activity being studied. An anthropologist who lived with a nomadic tribe for a period of months, sharing meals with them and taking part in their communal activities, would be a participant observer.

When evaluating formal observation, ask, Is it likely that the presence of the observer distorted the behavior being observed? Was the observation of sufficient duration to permit the conclusions that were drawn? Do the conclusions overgeneralize? (For example, the observations made of a single nomadic group might be generalized to all nomadic groups, ignoring the fact that other nomadic groups may differ in important ways.)

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