下午去看了Arrival. 好久没见到如此奇妙的电影了. 有点科幻,可是人文主义才是核心;有点“高智商”,但实际是回归到最简单的circularity.
The structure of the language you speak affects your thought and decisions.语言塑造了你的思维模式和思考方式. 换一种语言,换一种思维方式,这个世界也就换了一种面貌. But if time is non-linear, if you know the journey and where it leads, will you still embrace it and enjoy it? 如果能够预知所有的悲伤,你是会选择改变还是会依然勇往直前?如果自由意志和个人命运只能二选一你会如何选择?
我想,不同于其他的软科幻作品,Arrival emphases on the power of language instead of science. But which one is the foundation of civilization? 还是当科学与语言结合在一起我们才能得到合理的解释?
那一年,我给自己起了个英文名Hannah. 不是因为Hannah Montana,而是因为hannah is is a palindrome. 回文,即circularity. 而人的一生,从降临到这世界,到离开这个世界,不也是一个circularity么?