

英文 中文
Please raise your right hand 请举起右手
and repeat after me: 跟我念
I, Donald John Trump, do solemnly swear... 我 Donald John Trump 谨庄严宣誓
I, Donald John Trump, 我 Donald John Trump
do solemnly swear... 谨庄严宣誓
... that I will faithfully execute... 我必忠实执行
... that I will faithfully execute... 我必忠实执行
... the Office of President of the... 合众国总统职务
Those of you unclear about the schedule, 不清楚考试安排的我再多说一句
today's portion of the exam will consist of two sections. 今天考试内容分为两部分
You will have three hours to complete each one. 每场考试三小时
Anything that's unclear on the exam... 还有不清楚的可以...
What? What's wrong? 怎么了 出什么事了
I'm a lawyer. 我考上了
Oh, babe. 亲爱的
Oh, my God! 我的天
I'm a lawyer! 我当上律师了
I'm a lawyer. Oh, my God. 我是律师了 老天
I'm resigning. 我要辞职了
To go where? 你要上哪去
Nowhere. 哪也不去
I'm retiring. 我要退休了
Oh, my God. 天哪
When? 什么时候
Two weeks. 两周以后
I don't want to leave you in the lurch. 我不想把烂摊子丢给你们
So, I'll just, uh, finish out the Kendall case. 所以我会结了Kendall的案子
Why are you doing this? 你为什么要走呢
We're top heavy. 团队太臃肿了
Eight name partners. 八位冠名合伙人
I'm ready to live my life. 我准备好开始我的新生活了
Write a memoir, take a deep breath. 写本回忆录 喘口气
Well... 好吧
congratulations, Diane. 恭喜 Diane
Thank you, David. 谢谢 David
Good morning. Lockhart, Deckler, Gussman, Lee, 早上好这里是Lockhart,Deckler,Gussman,Lee,
Lyman, Gilbert-Lurie, Kagan, Tannebaum & Associates, Lyman,Gilbert-Lurie,Kagan,Tannebaum律所
how may I direct your call? 需要我为您转接吗
I heard they fire half of us in the first month. 我听说一个月后会筛一半的人
Oh, yeah, yeah, I heard that, too. 是的 我也听说了
We should stick together. 我们应该抱团
Uh, I'm Lili. 我叫Lili
Maia. 我叫Maia
Uh, pretty ring. What is it? 真好看 这是什么戒指
Oh, it's a rosary ring. 这是念珠戒
Are you religious? 你信教吗
No, no.
Just nervous. 只是为了缓解紧张
Stand up! 起立
Those seats are for clients. 那是客户坐的位置
Follow me and try to keep up. 跟着我 别落下
Lockhart, Deckler, Lee is the result of a merger 是由三所中型律所
of three mid-sized firms. 合并而成的
We are now the largest civil litigator in the Midwest, 是目前中西部最大的民事诉讼律所
and you are lucky to be here. 能上这来你们应该感到荣幸
As new associates, you can be fired at any time, 新来的律师随时面临被开除的危险
and many of you will be. 你们大部分都不会留下
This is not lawyer camp. 这里不是律师集训营
We are not here to help you learn. 我们的工作不是帮助你们学习
You are here to help us. 是由你们来协助我们
If a partner needs their dry-cleaning, 要是有合伙人需要干洗
treat it like a clerkship for Justice Kennedy. 把他们当上帝伺候
Any questions? 有疑问吗
This is a depo dump. 这里是档案库
We need to know what is in every one of these 你们需要知道这里的85632个文件
85,632 documents. 都说了什么
Come forward when I call your name. 念到名字的上前来
Michael Baer.
- Uh, where do I work? - David Yoo. - 我该坐哪
Lili Brenner.
Maia Rindell? 是Maia Rindell吧
How are you doing, Maia? 感觉还行吗 Maia
- Good. - No, no, no, - 很好 - 不
here, you take these. 这些是你的
Say hello to your parents for me, will you? 替我向你父母问好
Sure. 好的
Oh, by the way, this came for you this morning. 对了 这是给你的 早上送过来的
Burl Ferrand.
Rebecca Luzzatto.
Mom. 妈妈
Please don't send me anything else, okay? 别再给我寄东西了好吗
Um, I appreciate it, you know I do, 我很喜欢 你知道的
but, uh, it's making me look, um... 但是这让我看起来...
I don't know, entitled. 怎么说 被罩着
Are people not being nice to you, dear? 他们对你不好吗 亲爱的
No, Mom, they're being great. 不 妈妈 他们很好
It's the attention. 他们太照顾我了
You know, I want to just... blend in. 你懂的 我只是希望可以自己融入进来
Do you want me to ask Diane to put you in your own office? 需要我让Diane给你安排独立的办公室吗
No, Mom, no, please, okay? 不 妈妈 不用了 求你了
Are you sure? 你确定吗
- Because we can call Diane. - No. Everything is fine. - 我可以联系Diane的 - 不用了 这样就很好
All right, we got to go. 好吧 要挂了
And, uh, I'll check in with Diane later. 我待会打电话给Diane
No, Mom-Mom, it's okay. 不用了 妈妈 没事的
Love you, sweetheart. 爱你 宝贝
Good morning. 早上好
Lockhart, Deckler, Gussman, Lee, Lyman,
Gilbert-Lurie, Kagan...
Enough with the lilies. 这里百合够多了
You know, some of us have allergies. 有些人对花粉过敏的
Oh, I'm actually a new associate here. 我是新来的
Good for you. 真为你高兴
Just go tell your head florist... 告诉你买花的店子
no more lilies. 别再送百合了
Maia Rindell?
- How you doing? - Good. - 感觉怎么样 - 很好
- Your first day as a lawyer. - Good. Mm. 这是你当上律师的第一天
Your parents called. 你父母给我打电话了
- Oh, God, I told them not to. - No, it's all right. - 天哪 我让他们别这么做 - 没事
They're worried you might be being ostracized. 他们担心你受欺负
Oh, they have got to stop. 他们不能再这么下去了
- Really... - It's okay. - 真的 - 没关系
There is an empty office downstairs that I can... 楼下有间空办公室 我可以...
- No, no, please. - Oh, come on, - 不用了 真的 - 没事的
- I-I don't want anything. - come on... - 我什么都不需要 - 别客气
let your godmother spoil you a little bit. 让教母宠你一下嘛
Diane, please. 不用了 Diane
Oh, I have something for you. 我有东西给你
This was given to me by Pearl Hart, 这是Pearl Hart给我的
the first female public defender in Chicago. 芝加哥第一位女性公共辩护人
Now it's yours. 现在是你的了
Seriously? 真的吗
I'm retiring. You're starting. 我就退休了 而你现在刚起步
It's fitting. Like a baton. 就像是接力棒 正合适
Now it's your turn to carry it. 轮到你带着它了
- Oh, I haven't done anything yet. - I hadn't, either. - 我还什么都没做成 - 我当初也一样
This will force you to, okay? 这会鞭策你
Let's make the most of my two weeks left of mentoring. 我还有最后两个星期可以教教你
Take notes on this deposition. 跟我去旁听这个取证 做好笔记
Afterwards, I'll ask you what you think we should offer 之后我会问你 应该给多少庭外和解费
as a settlement.
Ms. Lockhart. Hello. Lockhart女士 你好
I didn't know you joined Reddick and Boseman. 我不知道你进了Reddick&Boseman律所
- Four months ago. - Oh. - 四个月前就在这了 - 是吗
Alicia, too? Alicia也来了吗
- No, just me. - Well, congratulations. - 没有 就我一个人 - 恭喜
- Shall we get started here, or do we... - Diane, sorry I'm late. - 可以开始了吗 还是... - Diane 抱歉来晚了
Judge Monroe stopped me in the elevator. 我在电梯里撞见了Monroe法官
How is everyone? 大家都还好吗
So, this is so confusing. 这可真伤脑筋
Which side am I on here? 我是站在哪边的呢
Eeny... 点点豆豆
meeny... miny... 米梁二豆 和尚不在...
Okay. 好吧
Someone help! 救命
- Leave him alone! - Ow, I'm sick! - 别打他 - 我好难受
- Leave him alone! - I'm sick! Let me up! - 别打他 - 我难受死了 让我起来
Let me up... 让我起来
You shot that video, didn't you, Mr. Hunter? 这是你录的吗 Hunter先生
- Yes. - Would you tell us what you saw? - 是的 - 可以跟我们描述一下你所看到的吗
- I saw these cops tackling Toby. - And that would be - 我看到这些警察在攻击Toby - 所以上面这位就是受害者
Mr. Toby Kendall, the victim right here? Toby Kendall 对吗
- Objection as to "victim." - Really, Diane? - 反对 怎么就是受害者了 - 认真的吗 Diane
The gentleman's in a wheelchair; his parents have to feed him. 他坐在轮椅上 靠他父母过活
Now what do you want me to call him, um... 你想让我怎么叫他
- "happy participant"? - "Arreste" is good by me. - "快乐的涉事人"吗 - "被捕人" 就行
No, you can preserve your objection for the record, 不 你可以对录像持反对观点
but that right there is no "arrestee." 但是上面这位可不是被捕人
Stop! Stop! Stop it! 住手 别打了
Stop! 住手
That kick to Toby Kendall's head, 那一脚踢在Toby的头上
that was completely unprovoked, am I right? 明显是毫无理由的 没错吧
Yeah. Toby just lay there. 是的 Toby就躺在那
All yours, Diane. 交给你了 Diane
You keep referring to the plaintiff as "Toby" 你一直称呼原告"Toby"
Do you know Toby? Are you friends? 你认识Toby吗 你们是朋友吗
Should I ask Mr. Boseman if he wants to answer that question? 我是不是应该问问Boseman先生 他是否愿意回答这个问题
Objection. 反对
Okay, let me ask you again. 好 我再问一遍
- Do you know Toby? - He's a friend. - 你认识Toby吗 - 他是我朋友
And were you together that night... 那天晚上你们一起
- trying to break into cars? - We didn't break into anything. - 打算撬车对吗 - 我们没撬任何东西
- Because you were caught, - Objection. - 那是因为你们当场被抓 - 反对
- before you could... - He's already answered the question. - 在撬成之前... - 他已经回答问题了
Adrian, why don't you sit down? Adrian 你还是坐下吧
Because I'm too passionate. 我太激动了
Oh, okay. 好吧
Uh, Mr. Hunter, this video. Hunter先生 这个视频
Adrian, would you mind rewinding? Adrian 可以回放一下吗
- Sure. - Thanks. - 当然 - 谢谢
Is this... 这是...
the beginning of the recording here? 录像的开头吗
Yeah, what-what do you mean? 是的 你这是什么意思
This is where you turned on your camera, right here? 你是这个时候打开相机的 对吗
My cell phone, yeah. 手机 是的 就是这时候
There was no other footage before this moment? 在这之前没有记录了吗
Diane, what do you have? Diane 你手里有什么
Did you know that your video 你知道这个录像
has metadata attached to it? 是有附带元数据的吗
Even if you try to erase it, 即使你试图删除录像
the metadata tells us that 元数据仍会显示在这之前
there is one minute and 20 seconds missing 还有1分20秒的记录丢失了
- from the head of it. - Objection! - 从头开始 - 反对
Well? 你怎么看
$4 million. 400万美元
Why? 为什么
The video. 那段视频
It's bad. 太不利了
We've been asked to keep the settlement under $500,000. 他们要求和解赔偿不超过50万美元
- By... - Cook County. - 谁 - 库克县警署
They fired their last civil law firm for being profligate. 就是因为他们上一家律所谈判要赔偿太多 才找的我们
Oh, here they come. 他们来了
Just play the radical. 你唱红脸
Come on, I'm bad at it. 我可不擅长
Are you kidding? 没开玩笑吧
You scare me. 你吓到我了
Not with Diane. Diane不吃这套
She'll know. 她一眼就能识破
- You are robbing the taxpayers. - No, Diane, no, - 你这是在抢纳税人的钱 - 不 Diane 没有
you're implying that this so-called missing video 你在暗示所谓丢失的录像里
- shows something nefarious. - I'm not saying anything - 有不可告人的阴谋 - 我只提及了
other than what the police report states. 警方调查报告所涉及的内容
Come on, Diane, you know you got to give up something. 得了吧 Diane 你清楚自己必须让步
- $140,000. - Oh, come on. - 14万 - 别逗
Cook County will no longer have a gun put to its head 库克郡就不会被这案子指着脑袋了
- with these lawsuits. - Seriously... gun to its head? 您可真是站着说话不腰疼
How nice to be able to talk in metaphors
when people like our clients have a literal gun to their head. 我的委托人可是真的被枪指着脑袋
Look, Diane, I understand Diane 你瞧我理解你故作强硬讨好新客户
you want to impress your new client with your toughness,
but look at the optics. 但你也得看案子啊
You got three cops... three white cops... 你方是三个警察 白人警察 把一个手无寸铁的孩子打得半死
kicking the crap out of this defenseless kid.
Yes, this poor, innocent car thief. 是啊 这小偷真可怜
So that's your strategy? Blame the victim? 所以你的策略是受害者活该咯
No, this is our strategy. 不 我们的策略是
Your firm has personally enriched itself 贵司通过这些所谓警察暴行案例挣的钱 高达1亿8千万
to the tune of $180 million
with these police brutality cases.
You are robbing the tax dollars 这个城市最脆弱的黑人公民的税收贡献 竟都去了你们的口袋
coming from the city's most vulnerable
African-American communities...
Diane, when did you get so cynical? Diane 你何时变得如此现实
You should be on this side of the table, not... 我认识的你是站在我们这边的
We're both using this case, Lucca. 我们不过都在利用这个案字 Lucca
Why don't you just stick to the facts? 请摆事实 讲道理
Okay, all right.
We'll come down to $4 million, but that's it. 就4百万吧 不能再降了
And I'll go up to $400,000. 那我涨到40万
We'll see you tomorrow, Diane. 明天见 Diane
Maia. Maia 尽你所能去查 最近十年警察暴行案件的付款结果
Research everything you can
on recent police brutality payouts
for the last ten years.
If you need another associate, grab one. 如果来不及 就再抓个同事
Thank you. 谢谢
- Can I ask something? - Sure, go ahead. - 我能问个问题吗 - 当然 说吧
Are we on the right side on this one? 我们立场对吗
We are on a necessary side. 我们的立场必须存在
People I thought with all my heart were guilty 有些我一心认定有罪的人 可能是无辜的
turned out to be innocent.
And people I thought were saints... 而我以为是圣人的
they, um, they weren't. 可能实则不然
That's why you don't go on instinct. 所以我们不依直觉立断
You wait, you listen... 你要耐心的 倾听 观察
and watch.
Eventually, everyone reveals themself. 最终所有人都会暴露出本性
Hey, we're pooling our resources. You want to join? 嘿我们缺人手呢 你来吗
No, it's all right. Thanks. 哦不了 谢谢
Where were you? 你做了多少了
I'm only a third of the way through this. 才弄了三分之一呢
A partner just gave me an assignment, 有合伙人给了我个活
and I can pull another associate onto it. 我能再拉一个人
You want to do it? 你来吗
- Yes! - Yeah? Okay. - 当然 - 真的 来吧
Wait, hey... wait a second, wait a second. 停 我们等一下
It's a pose. That's all. 这不过是装装样子
They will come up. 他们的出价会上来的
We don't want to bury too much time in this, Adrian. 我们不能在这案子上耗太多时间 Adrian
Barbara, look, Barbara 听我说库克郡想要靠这个案子击破我们的防线
Cook County, they're trying to break our backs on this thing.
We bend here, 我们在这妥协了
they use it against us on the next suit. 他们下个案子就会以此反击
Lucca? Lucca你觉得呢
You know Diane. Will she come up in her offer? 你认识Diane 你觉得她会涨价吗
I think Diane's got something to prove 我感觉Diane要证明什么 而且她势在必行
- and she's out to prove it. - So what? 所以呢
I have something to prove. 我也有要证明的
We all have something to prove. 我们都有
- She's retiring? - Yes. - 她要退休了吗 - 是的
She wants to go out with a win. 她希望最后一仗能告捷
Let's get her up to a million, and move on to the next. 那就一百万结案 做下一个吧
No, Barbara, she wants to cave. I'm telling you. 不 Barbara 相信我 她想投降的
We'll talk when you get her to a million. 等她同意了一百万 我们再谈
Lucca, Lucca 你怎么不挺我
where was the support? Huh?
I was asked a question, that's all. 我不过是在回答问题
Yeah, you don't think I can take Diane down? 你不信我能战胜Diane吗
No, I just think I'm not helping. What is this? 我也帮不了你什么 这是干嘛
Ask for CFO Kendrick, with the accent. 用英音帮我找CFO Kendrick
Oh, come on. 别这样
I'm getting held up at the corporate level. 公司层面都不接我电话
She'll raise her tone. 她会吵吵的
- Come on, help me out. - Mr. Boseman, I... - 帮个忙嘛 - Boseman先生 我...
Yes, hello. 你好
Adrian Boseman calling for Mr. Kendrick. Adrian Boseman想找Kendrick先生
Well, he'd love to talk to him now if he could. 很遗憾 她这会儿没时间
He's just popping out to lunch. 他刚出去吃午饭
Thank you. 谢谢
Okay. 好吧
That was fantastic! 你真太厉害了
After graduating 自法学院荣誉以优异成绩毕业后
- from law school with honors,
Diane became an assistant district attorney. Diane成为一名助理地方检察官
She made her reputation as someone 她以执着追求真相而被大家熟知
who fought hard for the truth,
- and after five years... - Oh, my God,
was I ever that young? 我的天 我真如此年轻过吗
I can't believe you're leaving us, Diane. 不敢相信你要离开我们了 Diane
Oh, not in spirit. 我心与你们同在
If you ever think of coming back, 什么时候想回来 先来我这昂
you don't go anywhere else first.
I promise, Renee. 当然 Renee
Wait a minute... 等等 你可先答应我了
- you promised me. - Oh, Ethan. 欧 Ethan
We have partners I'd throw out the door to make room for you. 我可有些合伙人早想撵出去了就等你来呢
Wow. Well, it's... it's good to be wanted. 你能这么想 我很高兴
Thank you for coming. 谢谢你能来
Hi. Lenore! 嗨 Lenore
- Oh, look at you. - Wow, wow. 瞧你
Congrats. 恭喜啦
Maia tells us what a great mentor you are. Maia 告诉我们 你是个很棒的导师
Oh, she's such a doll. I love her. 她真的很可爱 我很喜欢她
By the way, uh, Glenn's been trying to reach you. Glenn一直在找你普罗旺斯的房子要急着付款呢
We're running out of time on the Provence house.
- Hmm. - Oh, my God, I am so jealous. 我真妒忌你 普罗旺斯呢
Yeah, but only if I make the down payment. 但我要先付首付呀
Well, yes, I wanted to get my ducks in a row first. 我得把这些事儿打理清楚
You know, your investments are working so well for you, Diane, 你的投资回报非常好 Diane
I was wondering if it's not smarter to borrow the money, 我觉得你不该动基金里的钱 先贷款吧
- and leave it in the fund. - Hello, darling. 亲爱的 你好
Oh, there they are, the power couple. 欧 我们的超级情侣来了
Congratulations. 恭喜
So when are you two getting married? 你俩什么时候结婚呀
Mom, no! 妈妈 说什么呢
Why? There's no Supreme Court excuse anymore. 怎么了 最高法院可没拦着你
Have you talked to your uncle? 你叔叔来找过你吗
- Who, Jax? No. - Mm. - Jax吗 没有 - 恩
He didn't talk to you about the fund? 他没来找你说过基金的事吗
No, why? 没啊 怎么了
Nothing, just you two are so close. 没什么 我以为你俩走得挺近
If he calls you and asks you to talk to anyone, 如果他给你打电话 让你找点关系什么的
call me first, okay? 你先来找我好吗
What's going on, Dad? 爸 怎么了
Nothing, you know Jax, he tends to talk kind of wild. 没事 你知道Jax的 他说话没谱
- I don't want to make everyone crazy. - Okay. - 我不想大家担心 - 好的
- Good night, honey. - Good night. - 晚安 亲爱的 - 晚安
Do you see that car in the background? 你看背景里这辆车 我爸妈也有一辆
My parents own one just like it.
It's not the car they were breaking into. 他们并没有准备偷这辆
I know, but, uh, 我知道 但是你看这个边灯在闪
well, do you see the perimeter light on?
That's what happens when someone bumps it. 如果有人撞了一下车 就会触发4边的摄像头
It has four perimeter cameras,
and they automatically record and save to its hard drive. 他们会自动录像并保存到硬盘
You're saying if we contact the owner of that car, 所以如果我们联系车主 他会有这次交锋的视频吗
they'll have a video of this encounter?
It's on its hard drive. 就在硬盘上 他们删不掉
They can't erase it.
Good job! 干得好
- Thanks. - I like these daisies 谢谢
much better than the lilies. 相比那些百合 我更喜欢这些雏菊
Hey, what's up? 怎么啦
What? 什么
They have a warrant. 他们有搜捕令
They're searching our apartment. 他们在搜查我们的房间
They're asking if we have a joint bank account. 还问我们有没有共有账户
- What? Why? - I don't know. - 什么 为什么 - 我不知道
They've impounded our computers 他们没收了我们的电脑
and they're looking for documents 在找有关你父母生意的文件
on your parents' business.
I think it's about your dad. 我感觉与你爸有关
Check this out. 快看这个
Maia, I have to call you back. Maia我一会儿回给你
Dad, the FBI are searching my apartment. 爸 FBI在搜我家
They say it's about you. What's going on? 他们说和你有关 发生了什么
So, you're saying Mr. Kendall was high on PCP? 你是说Kendall先生处在致幻类药物的影响下
Yes. He was crazed, 是的 他发狂地抓我们的枪
- grabbing for our guns. - How could you... 你怎么能...
Your accountant is on the line. 你的会计来电话
Tell him I'll call him back. 告诉他我给他回电话
He says it's important. 他说事关重大
... That we're trained to recognize. ...我们受过训练来识别的行为
When we saw how he was acting... 当我们看到他的举动...
Dad! 爸爸
Oh, my God. 我的天
Go see your mom. It's okay. 去看看你妈妈 她还好吗
- Oh, Dad. - Sweetheart, listen to me. - 爸爸 - 亲爱的 听我说
- Everything's gonna be fine, I promise. - I know. - 我保证 一切都会好的 - 我知道
- I love you. I didn't do it, Maia. - I know, I know! - Maia 我爱你 我是清白的 - 我知道
Glenn, what's going on? Glenn 怎么了
Is it the house? 是房子的事情吗
No, what? 没 什么
When? 什么时候
I don't understand, I just... 我不明白 我才...
Many on Wall Street are asking, 众多华尔街人士都在问Henry Rindell是第二个Madoff吗
is Henry Rindell the new Madoff?
Earlier today, the FBI shuttered 今天早些时候 FBI关掉了这个私募股权投资基金
the invitation-only investment fund,
calling it a multibillion dollar Ponzi scheme, 并称其为数十亿美金的庞氏骗局
whose collapse has decimated the accounts 它的倒闭将使国内众多民主党精英遭殃
of many of the nation's liberal elites.
Glenn, what about my... Glenn 那我的...
my retirement money? 我的退休基金也
Son of a bitch! 日了狗了
This makes the operation seem profitable and legitimate 这样运作看起来合法盈利 但其实一分钱没挣
even though no actual profit is being made.
- You've been working out. - Yeah. - 你在健身吧 - 没错
With someone not me. 和别人
You were busy. 你忙着管83亿资产呢
With $8.3 billion in assets,
- it'll be... - I know her. - 这可是 - 我认识她
the fourth largest Ponzi scheme in America... 美国史上第四大庞氏骗局
I hope you didn't have any money wrapped up with them. 你没有钱投在里面吧
My aunt did. 我阿姨投了
God, I'd sure hate to be her right now. 老天 还好我不是她
Talk about the most hated person in America. 当下美国最讨厌的人
The name originated with Charles Ponzi, 这个名字由Charles Ponzi而来
on investments in only 90 days.
... Shuddered at the invitation of the investment fund, 整个私募股权投资基金界为之震颤
calling it a multibillion-dollar 称之为数十亿的庞氏骗局
- Ponzi scheme... - Lenore?
- Rupert? - Hey!
Did you see him? 你见到他了吗
Yes, yes, yes. 对对对
Henry is fine. Henry没事
- Good, good. - Hey, Maia. - 那就好 - Maia你好
- Amy. I'm glad you're both here. - What's going on? - Amy 真高兴你们都在 - 怎么了
Your dad needs your help. 你爸爸须要你的帮助
Your Uncle Jax made a deal with the feds. 你叔叔Jax和联邦调查局调查员暗通款曲
Oh, my God, he's a monster. 天呐 他真是个禽兽
What's he saying? 他有什么说辞
- That Henry created the Ponzi scheme. - Oh, my... - 他说Henry是庞氏骗局的主谋 - 天呐
Jax claims he had nothing to do it with it. Jax说他和此事毫无关系
He was just a fig leaf for Henry's scam. Come on. 他说他只是Henry诈骗的遮羞布 我去
That is insane. That doesn't even make sense. 不可能 根本说不通啊
Jax traded stocks. Jax负责股票交易
We were just the ambassadors. 我们都只是中间人
That's why it's important that we all agree 所以当务之急就是我们能达成共识
on our understanding here.
There are signatures on on each one of the money transfers. 每笔金钱交易都有签字
I need you to take a look at them. 我需要你来看看
Actually, we should go. 其实我们应该走了
What? No, no. Why? 啥 别走 怎么了
We shouldn't be here for this. Let's go. 我们来这里不是为了被卷进争端 咱们走
What are you talking about? I just need Maia 你在说什么
to initial these documents. 我只需要Maia签些文件罢了
You're Henry and Lenore's lawyer, not Maia's. 你是Henry和Lenore的律师 不是Maia的
- Well, I'm the family lawyer. - That's not true. - 我是家庭律师 - 你才不是
Why are you arguing with him? Maia. 你们怎么和他吵起来了 Maia
Dad's in trouble. We need your help. 你爸爸有难 我们须要你帮忙
Maia, just look at these documents. Maia 你就看看这些文件吧
Rupert, do we have attorney-client privilege? Rupert 我们签律师为当事人保密协议了吗
Well, no, but we're covered by your mom's privilege. 没有 但是你在代表你妈妈行使权力
Do we have attorney-client privilege? 我们签保密协议了吗
N-no, but... 倒没有 但是
You're not my lawyer, then. 那你就不是我的律师
Mom. 妈妈
God, what does this mean? Um... 天呐 这意味着什么
it means I basically lost half my life. 这意味着我白白辛苦操劳半生
I don't have a retirement. 我不能退休
My wife and I will have to work until we drop dead. 我们夫妻都要一直工作到垂死之际
They should go to jail, every single one of 'em. 他们全家都应该去蹲监狱
Even the daughter. She had to know, too. 他女儿也应该进监狱 她也脱不了干系
I-I just worked 20 years... 我白白工作了二十年
for no reason.
My husband and I will lose our house, 我们夫妻将没房子住 没车开
our cars, everything. 我们将一无所有
Our kids will have nothing. 我们的孩子也将一无所有
We've lost everything that we've worked for. 我们奋斗得来的一切都付之东流
- Almost everyone... - That was hard. - 几乎所有人 - 这很难
You did good. 但你做的很好
It's a nightmare. 这简直是噩梦
You're gonna need a lawyer. 你需要一个律师
- Yes? - Are you hearing this? - 干嘛 - 你认真听我说了吗
It's all gone? 全都没了吗
Well, the Rindells have $13.8 million on hand, Rindell一家手上有1380万
and that's from an initial investment of $8 billion. 这还是初期投资了80亿赚来的
They never invested a cent? 他们一分钱都没投资
Not after 2008. 2008年之后就没有了
The housing bubble. There was a shortfall, 房地产泡沫造成了亏空
and they made it up with money from new investors. 他们就用新的投资者的钱补亏空了
But I steered people to them. 但我还介绍了客户给他们
The Women's Fund, all their money. 女性基金会的全部资产
I even told Emily's List to put their 401k there. 我还让Emily把她们的养老金投进去
I know there's a lot for you to process, Diane, but... 我知道你要考虑很多事
we need to think about a few things 但是我们要先考虑几件事
and act fast. 并且迅速应对
- The escrow? - Yes. - 第三方托管吗 - 对
There will be a penalty, 要交罚金
but we must get out of it now. 但是我们现在必须要放弃房产了
Yes. 好吧
Good. 很好
And you need to delay your retirement. 然后你要延迟退休了
The government might freeze your account 政府可能会冻结你的账户
and put you on a living-wage budget. 划给你满足最低生活标准的钱
What? Why? 什么 为什么
Well, they can claw back past earnings 他们以此追讨过往收益
and distribute them among all the victims. 再把钱分给众多受害者
That's what they did with Madoff. Madoff案就是如此操作的
But my personal account... 但是我个人的账户
that is my money, isn't it? 那里面不都是我的钱吗
No, not necessarily. 那可不一定
They'll allow you to keep 他们只允许你保留一部分现金
a subsistence-level amount of cash, 只够你满足生存需求
but they might freeze the rest. 但是他们可能会冻结其余部分
So am I broke? 所以我现在是破产了吗
Well, I don't like to talk that way, but... 虽然我不愿意这么说
you can't live the way you've been living 但是你像之前那么宽裕的日子
for more than a few months. 恐怕持续不了几个月了
You'll need to keep your job. 你需要接着工作
Or maybe sublet this apartment. 或者把这房子转租了
Is there a reason you and your husband 你和你老公迟迟不离婚
are delaying your divorce? 一定事出有因吧
What? 什么
You and your husband are separated, right? 你和你老公分居了 不是吗
Yes. 是啊
Well, if your separation is permanent, 要是你们打算一直这么分居下去
then you really should consider 那你真的得考虑跟他提出离婚了
memorializing with the divorce,
otherwise, his accounts could be frozen, too. 要不他的账户也会被冻结
This is a nightmare. 这真是场噩梦
Again, you need to act first. 重审一次 你得赶快行动
And the first thing is to delay your retirement. 当务之急是延迟退休
This is not just about my financial situation. 这不单是由于我的财务状况
I'm also afraid I would miss practicing the law. 我也怕我会想念当律师的日子
I was in the midst of the Kendall deposition, and I thought, uh, 我当时正在处理Kendall案的取证
"My God, I love this... this is what I do." 我想"天呐 我爱法律事业 这是我的天职"
So what do you propose? 那你有什么打算
That I not leave. 我不会退休
That I close the case, and, um, 我打算了结此案
that I stay on. 我打算继续留任
In what position? 在什么职位上啊
This position. My-my current position. 这个职位 我现在的职位
You signed your exit agreement. 但是你都签了离职协议了
Well, yes, but I would suggest we rip that up for the moment. 是啊 那我就先申请暂时不要辞退我
Unfortunately, I don't think that works for us. 遗憾的是我们并不接受申请
Why not? 为什么
Well, we're kind of top-heavy, like you said. 就如你说过的 我们有点太臃肿了
We already reorganized around your leaving. 针对你的离职 我们已经重新部署工作
This is my firm. 但这是我的律所
No, it was your firm. 不 这曾是你的律所
Look, if you want to stay on as an emeritus, 要是你想以返聘退休者身份继续待下去
we can discuss that. 我们倒是可以谈谈
And lose my equity? 但我不再持股了吗
What is to keep me from taking my clients out the door with me? 你们怎么阻止我带走我的客户
Where would you take them? 你还能带他们去哪
So, um, I was thinking about what you said at the party. 我考虑了一下你在聚会上对我说的话
That you would have partners thrown out the door 你说会为我腾位子踢出一部分合伙人
to make room for me.
Now, you're looking for an emeritus position? 所以你现在是在找返聘工作吗
Uh, no, a... 并不是
partnership. 是合伙人
I mean, I'm not... 我的意思是
looking for my name on the door, but... 我倒没有想挂名 但是
Well, let me talk to my partners. 那我和我的合作伙伴谈谈吧
So I was thinking about what you said at my party, 我考虑了一下你在聚会上对我说的话
and I realized... why am I leaving the law? 我突然意识到 为什么我要离开法律行业
We're not done breaking the glass ceiling. 我还没过够攻克难关的日子
- You're not retiring? - No. - 那你这是又不退休了 - 是啊
But I am leaving my old firm. 但是我要离开我之前的律所
I was, um, hoping to join you. 我希望能加入你们
What's going on, Renee? 怎么了 Renee
- What do you mean? - I've been to three firms today. - 你什么意思 - 我今天去了三家律所
A month ago, they would've been climbing all over themselves. 一个月之前 他们争先恐后的想聘用我
- Uh... it's a tough time, Diane. - No, it's not. That's bull. - 最近行情不好 Diane - 并没有 你瞎说
Diane, you're not a spring chicken. Diane 你也不再年轻了
Oh, so it's ageism, with my book of clients? 我这块老腊肉可带着一大票客户呢
Call them, Diane. 给你的客户们打电话试试 Diane
How many will actually go with you? 有几个会真的跟你走
How many lost money with the Rindells? 有多少在Rindell那儿亏了钱
I'm not the Rindells. 又不是我骗了他们
You referred them to people. 但你把他们介绍给别人
The Chicago Women's Fund? 芝加哥女性基金吗
It's out $82 million. 亏了整整8200万
They may have to close their doors. 他们不得不关门了
Just give it some time. 你再等等吧
It's a bad time right now. You're poison. 现在不是好时机 你当下就是一剂毒药
No firm will hire you. 没有律所会雇佣你
Just let it pass. 等事情过去吧
You want a divorce? 你想离婚吗
Your accountant called. 你的会计打来电话
Without a divorce, Kurt, Kurt 要是不离婚
your finances will suffer from the same, uh... 你的财产也会像我的一样流失
from the same... 因为一样的原因
It's about money, not about us. 这是钱的事 跟我们之间的关系无关
- What do you want? - No, this is... - 那你想要怎么办 - 不是的
this is in your lap. 这取决于你想怎么办
I didn't leave you. 我从未离开过你
Actually, you did. 事实上你离开了我
You slept with your student, so... 你和你的学生上床
Okay, my accountant said that... 好吧 我的会计告诉我
my bank account will be frozen. 我的银行账户将被冻结
A divorce will, uh, 如果我们离婚
save your account 你的账户会免受牵连
and just memorialize what we're doing now. 也算是做实我们现在的状态
Which is? 你指什么
Living apart. 分居
How are you? 你最近怎么样
I'm great. 我挺好
I'm broke and out of a job, 我破产又失业
but, hey... 但是
bad things happen to good people. 天道不公
You're out of a job? 你失业了吗
Yes, I signed my exit agreement, and they... 是啊 我签了离职协议
... they won't... 然后...他们就不再...
Oh, my God. 天呐
This is my life, and it's... 这就是我的生活
it's over. 全完了
It's gone. 什么都没了
I'm losing my apartment. 房子也快保不住了
I'm unemployable. How is that possible? 又失业 这怎么可能呢
How is my life suddenly so... meaningless?! 怎么我的人生瞬息间变得毫无意义
It isn't. 并不是的
How can you work so hard 为什么你能每天努力工作
every single day of your life 日复一日
and have nothing to show for it? 但却毫无回报
Not a friend! 甚至没有一个朋友
I'm a friend. 我是你的朋友
I feel bad enough already. 我已经很难受了
I don't want to be responsible for your going broke. 我不想再为你的破产负责任了
Divorce me. 我们离婚吧
Good morning, Lockhart, Deckler, Gussman, Lee, Lyman, 早上好 Lockhart Deckler Gussman Lee Lyman
Gilbert-Lurie, Kagan, Tannebaum & Associates. Gilbert-Lurie Kagan Tannebaum律所
Diane. I am so sorry. Diane 我很抱歉
Are you okay? 你还好吗
That depends... will I get my money back? 这取决于我能不能把钱要回来
I'm sorry, my lawyer's directed me not to answer that. 对不起 我的律师不让我回答这个问题
Then don't ask me. 那你也别问我好不好
We may have a little opening right here. 我们也许在这有突破口了
Go for the jugular. 直击要害
Mr. Kendall, Kendall先生
tell us which car in the parking lot 请告诉我们你打算偷停车场里的哪辆车
- you were hoping to steal. - Objection. 我反对
- It is a completely fair question. - Not in evidence. - 这是个合情合理 公平公正的问题 - 我可看不出来
Not close to being in evidence. 一点都不合理
- Can I ask my question, please? - Sure, - 那我能继续问问题了吗 - 当然
I'm just preserving my objection for the record. 我只是想让我的反对意见记录在案
Which car was it, Mr. Kendall? 到底事哪辆车 Kendall先生
Was it the sports car here? 是这辆跑车吗
That's the one they found with the window broken. 就是被发现车窗被打碎的那辆
Uh, I don't-I don't know. Um... 我不 我不知道
- I-I don't remember. - You don't remember - 我 我不记得了 - 你不记得
which car you were there to steal? 你打算偷的是哪辆车了
Come on, Diane, is this what you're left with... 可以了 Diane 你就这点儿能耐了吗
badgering someone in a wheelchair? 纠缠一个坐轮椅的人
Excuse me, 不好意思
objection as to badgering. 我反对她说我纠缠
I understand you're not happy with your life, 我知道你自己的生活过得不痛快
but don't take it out on our client. 但请不要把气撒在我的客户身上
Okay, we're done here. 好了 就到这儿
There you are. 你在这儿啊
I want this firm to know she stole my money. 我想让全公司的人都知道 是她偷了我所有的钱
My kids are not going to college 我的孩子们没钱读大学
because she stole my savings. 就是因为她偷了我全部的存款
You can't get away! 你逃不掉的
I'm gonna sue you for every single cent! 我要告得你倾家荡产
Then do it! 那就告啊
But right now, get out! 但现在 滚出去
When they see you cry, 当他们看到你哭
it makes them happy. 会让他们开心
So get it out of your system here. 所以就在这儿宣泄完所有情绪
You're on the other side. 你不是我这边儿的
I had a friend. 我有个朋友
Went through the same thing. 经历过同样的事情
Said it was hell for a few months. 曾说过 有几个月像炼狱一样
Harden yourself. 磨炼自己
Ignore what people say. 无视闲言碎语
Keep your head down and keep working. 低头做事
You're a new associate? 你是新职员吗
Work is your friend. 以工作为友
Don't watch TV, don't look at the Internet. 别看电视 别上网
Do you have a book? 你有书吗
Then read it. 那就读书
Keep it with you at all times. 随身带着
Don't give them the satisfaction... 别让他们从与你的眼神交流中
of making eye contact. 得到满足感
It's hard. 这很难
But it ends. 但终会结束
That's the video, Mrs. Lockhart. 这是那段视频 Lockhart夫人
Excuse me? 什么东西
The car video. The one you asked for. 车载录像 您之前要的
Oh, right. 哦 好的
Oh, and, uh, Mr. Boseman is here to see you. 哦 对了 Boseman先生要来见您
He... what? 他 什么情况
Did we have a negotiation? 我们有约见会面吗
No. 没有
Okay, give me a minute. 好吧 给我点时间
- Adrian. - Hey. - 嗨
I didn't know we had a meeting. 我不记得我们约过要见面
No, no, we didn't. 不 我们是没约过
Uh, we're not. 嗯 没约过
I'm here to chat. 我来这里聊聊天
How you doing, Diane? 你过得如何 Diane
Come on, sympathy doesn't suit you, Adrian. 得了吧 你装不像同情的Adrian
What do you need? 你需要什么
want you to join our firm. 希望你加入我们律所
You're broke, Diane. 你破产了 Diane
You're looking for a place to land... 你需要一个屋檐栖身
and nobody wants you 但没人想收留你
'cause of this Rindell scandal. 因为这件Rindell丑闻
I'm tired, Adrian. I want to go home. 我累了 Adrian 我想回家了
You know, we're in the midst of expanding. 你知道我们律所在扩张
You could be... 雇你就当是…
our diversity hire. 为了增加我们律所种族多样性
Well, if this is about the case, 如果你是为了这个案子而来
it doesn't make any difference. 这并不能改变什么
I mean, even if I joined you, 我是说 即使我加入你们律所
I can't use what I know. 我也不能告诉你我所知道的
It's not about this case. 我不是只为了这件案子
It's about the next one and the next one 是为了之后一个接一个的案子
and the next one and the next one. 是为了更多的案子
we don't want you to beat us. 我们不希望你来打败我们
I would much rather you help us beat them. 我希望你帮助我们打败他们
- I'd be a partner? - Yes, - 我能做合伙人吗 - 可以
and you'd be back on the right side of things. 而且你也会回到正确的那一方来
Why aren't you afraid of the Rindell scandal? 你为什么不害怕Rindell丑闻
I'm poison. Haven't you heard? 我有毒 你没听说吗
Yeah, here's the thing, Diane. 其实吧 Diane
The Rindells ran an... Rindell公司的运作方式是
invitation-only investment fund, and you know what? 仅限于受邀请的投资基金 你知道吗
They never invited black folk. 他们从来没有邀请过黑人
You got screwed here, Diane. 你在这儿被搞垮了 Diane
And you know the best response? 你知道最好的回击是什么吗
You come with me, 你跟我走
and you screw 'em back. 再搞垮他们
- Explain it to me... what did you do? - Okay, I... - 你好好给我解释一下 你到底做了什么 - 好吧 我
What did I... 我做的
- I called an audible. - Ugh. - 我就是灵机一动 - 呕
- It was an audible, Barbara. - Don't act like that's a thing here. - 我就是临时起意 Barbara - 别装得真有那么回事
You made a decision by fiat. 你要根据命令行事
You didn't care what the rest of the partners thought. 你根本不考虑别的合伙人是怎么想的
- No! I saw an opportunity, - Oh. - 不 我看到了一线希望 - 哦
- and I thought it was an opportunity - What opportunity? - 我觉得这是个机会 - 什么机会
- that we would all appreciate. - What opportunity? - 我们都乐意见得的机会 - 什么机会
Diane Lockhart's firm will be representing Cook County Diane Lockhart的律所将代表库克郡
on every single one of their police brutality cases 打每一场警察暴力案件
from here until eternity! 从现在到以后
Now, at the very least, 现在 往少了说
we just stole away their strongest attorney. 我们撬走了他们最厉害的律师
At the most, she helps us with strategy. 往多了说 我们可以知道他们的策略
- She can't tell us anything. - Not on this case she can't, - 她不可能告诉我们所有事情 - 这个案子她不能说什么
but on every other case going forward she can. 但其他的每一件案子她都可以帮忙
are you worried about losing the firm's culture or something? 你是在担心这间律所的公司文化丢失吗
If that's what you're worried about 如果你是担心这个
- we can make sure... - Adrian, stop. - 我们可以确保… - Adrian 够了
You want to know what I'm worried about? 你想知道我在担心什么吗
Yeah, yes, I do. 是 我想知道
Every rumor I hear about Lockhart 我听到关于Lockhart的每一个传闻
is that she doesn't know her place. 都是她摆不准自己的位置
She's not gonna be happy until she's in the inner circle. 她不挤进核心圈是绝对不会罢休的
You're describing yourself, Barbara. 你说的是你自己 Barbara
You're describing me. 你说的是我
We're ambitious people, 我们都是有野心的人
and we need people like that around 我们需要这样的人一起工作
- to grow this company. - Lucca. - 来壮大我们的律所
Yes, but we don't want people who are only happy 对 但我们不希望招来那些
when they're giving orders. 只有在发号施令时才高兴的人
Lucca, you worked with Diane Lockhart. Lucca 你和Diane Lockhart共事过
- Yeah, for a year. - This is not helpful, Barbara. - 对 有过一年 - 这不能说明什么 Barbara
Did you like working with her? 你喜欢与她共事吗
I don't think it mattered. 这根本没参考性
She was a partner; I was an associate. 她是合伙人 我只是小职员
Yes, and if she came here, it would be the same thing. 对 如果她来了 情况也是一样
- Would you like that here? - Oh, God, Jesus. - 你希望她来吗 - 哦 我的天啊
God, help me. 老天 求求你了
- Since when is that the criteria here? - Lucca? - 什么时候这成了评判标准了 - Lucca你说
Should we bring in Diane as a partner? 我们应该邀请Diane来做合伙人吗
Yes. 应该
Why? 为什么
She's a good lawyer. 她是个好律师
She's passionate, idealistic and cunning. 她富有热情 理想主义 还很狡诈
Anything else? 还有呢
No. 没有了
She would be an asset. 她是个不可多得的人
Thanks. 谢谢
Well... 好吧
... that went in a different direction than I thought. 这和我预料的截然不同
- She can't be a name partner. - I didn't offer her that. - 她不能做冠名合伙人 - 我没给她这个条件
- Junior partner is fine. - With an equal equity draw. - 初级合伙人还行 - 要有相匹配的股权
Don't you ever call an audible again. 你别再灵机一动了
You got it. 没问题
Oh, my God, they're saying they have a sex tape of us. 哦 我的天 他们说有一段我们的性爱录像
"TMZ Exclusive Footage: Maia Rindell Lesbian Sex Tape!" "TMZ杂志独家录像: Maia Rindell女同性爱录像”
Oh, God, don't look at it. Just close it. 哦 天啊 别看了 快关掉
Oh, my God, it's like waving a red flag at a bull. 我的天 这根本就是拿着红旗在招引斗牛
Suddenly I'm a lesbian temptress? 突然间我成了女同狐狸精了
This isn't even us. This person has a tattoo. 这都不是咱俩 这个人还有纹身
Okay, listen to me, you have to stay sane, okay? 好吧 你听我说 你要保持理智 好吗
You have to ignore this stuff. 你要无视这些东西
They're obviously lying. All of 'em, right? 他们显然是在撒谎 对吧
The whole family. 整个家族都在说谎
- Are you leaving? - Yes. - 你要走了 - 对
For where? 去哪儿
Another firm. 另一家律所
I don't want a divorce. 我不想离婚
Maybe it's smart, but I... I don't want it. 也许是明智之举 但我 我不想离
They'll freeze your account. 他们会冻结你的账户
- Let 'em. - Kurt, you're not a cowboy. - 让他们冻 - Kurt 你不是个牛仔
We don't live in a world with cowboys. 我们的世界也不是和牛仔为伍
I don't want the door to close completely. 我不希望我们之间的门就此关上
It is closed between us. 已经关上了
Then divorce me. 那你把我休了
But I won't do it. 反正我不提出离婚
My parents saw the tape. 我父母看了那个录像
They think it's us having sex. 他们以为是咱俩在做爱
Tell them it's not. 告诉他们不是的
They don't believe me. 他们不相信我
I'm sorry. 对不起
I'm going to Reddick and Boseman. 我要去Reddick & Boseman律所了
What? 什么
I'm leaving here and going to Reddick and Boseman. 我要离开这儿 去Reddick & Boseman律所
Oh, the bunch of schvartzes? 那帮黑鬼
- You can't do that. - Yes, I can. - 你不可以 - 我当然可以
You give them proprietary information, we'll sue you. 你要是给他们机密信息 我们一定告你
I don't need to. 我不需要这么做
Well, what about the police brutality case 那警察暴力案子怎么办
you've been working on? 你正接手的那个案子
- I'm handing it off to you. - Ugh. - 我现在转手给你了 - 呃
Oh, and you may want to look at this. 你可能想看看这个
The police were unprovoked. 这些警察未被挑衅
I could be wrong, but it looks like a $6 million payout to me. 我也许搞错了 但我看来这值六百万
Anyway, good-bye. 不管怎样 再见了
It was fun. 挺有意思的
Want the door closed? 门要关吗
Could you please stand up? 你能站起来吗
Stand over there. 站那边去
Is there anything on this desk that is yours? 这桌子上有属于你的东西吗
Uh, no. 没有
Oh, hey, I heard you got fired. 嘿 我听说你被解雇了
Too bad, I thought the flowers looked good. 太糟糕了 我觉得这些花挺好看的
Adrian, it's Diane. Adrian 我是Diane
In a few hours you're gonna get a call from this firm 几小时后你会接到这个律所的电话
offering you a good deal on the Kendall brutality case. 他们会给Kendall警察暴力案一个不错的和解费
Yes, I don't disagree. 对 确实
I, um, I just want you to know, there's an associate here 我就是想告诉你 我这儿有个职员
who found the key piece of evidence 是她找到了案件的关键证据
that the case turned on, 让这个案子有了扭转的机会
and she was just fired. 她刚被解雇了
You left this. 你落下这个了
Give it to someone who needs it. 把它送给需要的人吧
- I'm done. - No, you're not. - 我没戏了 - 不 你还有戏
Let's go. 我们走吧
Where? 去哪儿
Someplace. 某个地方
Why? 为什么
Because it's not over yet. 因为一切才刚开始
I did not do this.
I need to know what he is up to.
You should be careful.
Do you have any enemies?
Oh, my God.


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