一、Debug && Log && 调试
① 、Dotzu
应用内iOS调试工具,具有增强的日志记录,网络信息,崩溃报告等。(In-App iOS Debugging Tool With Enhanced Logging, Networking Info, Crash reporting And More.)
② 、Sniffer
自动联网活动记录器,拦截任何外发请求和传入响应以进行调试。(Automatic networking activity logger,intercepting any outgoing requests and incoming responses for debugging purposes.)
① 、Skeleton
轻松创建滑动CAGradientLayer动画! 非常适合创建加载内容的骨架屏幕。(An easy way to create sliding CAGradientLayer animations! Works great for creating skeleton screens for loading content. )
① 、RequestPermission
该项目是关于使用可定制的视觉效果管理权限。 美丽的对话增加了批准的机会(这在我们要求通知时很重要)。 该模块的简单控制可节省开发时间。 您可以开始使用这个项目,只需两行代码,轻松自定义!(This project is about managing permissions with the customizable visual effects. Beautiful dialog increases the chance of approval (which is important when we request notification). Simple control of this module saves you hours of development. You can start using this project with just two lines of code and easy customization! )
① 、PopupDialog