【卢克】:Ah, g'day[1] sport[2]! I was just thinking of you. What have you been up to[3]?
【卢克】:Really. Feels like longer than two hours ago.
【卢克】No, no, no. I just wanted a chat[4] really. What are you doing tonight?
【卢克】:Ah, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger. What was someone saying to me the other week about Roger? It was really quite shocking[5].
【卢克】:Jason's fine, yeah. Listen, about Roger, the thing, it was really...
【卢克】:No, they got us a room together.
【卢克】:Yeah. Listen, about Roger, because I don't have a huge amount of phone credit, so I was talking about Roger...
【卢克】:Yeah, yeah, yeah, yes. Stop talking because Roger...
【卢克】:Oh, come on, that's not fair[6]. A telltale[7]? Me? Reporting someone's wrongdoings does not make me a snitch because he's done something bad, probably illegal[8], and you expect me not inform[9] anyone?
【卢克】:Well, I was just wrapping up[10] anyway.