The presence of a javaconfig.json file indicates that its parent directory is the root of a Java module. javaconfig.json looks like:{
"sourcePath": ["relative/path/to/source/root", ...],
"classPathFile": "file-with-classpath-as-contents.txt",
"outputDirectory": "relative/path/to/output/root"
The classpath is contained in a separate file, in the format entry.jar:another-entry.jar. This file is usually generated by a build tool like maven.
You can configure maven to output the current classpath to a file, classpath.txt, where Visual Studio Code will find it.
Set the source path, and get the class path from a file:
{"sourcePath": ["src/main/java"],
"classPathFile": "classpath.txt",
"outputDirectory": "target"}
Configure maven to outputclasspath.txt
Ignoreclasspath.txt, since it will be different on every host
Add this to yourbuild.gradle:
taskvscodeClasspathFile{ description'Generates classpath file for the Visual Studio Code java plugin'ext.destFile=file("$buildDir/classpath.txt") outputs.file destFile doLast {defclasspathString=configurations.compile.collect{ it.absolutePath }.join(':')assertdestFile.parentFile.mkdir() destFile.text=classpathString }}taskvscodeJavaconfigFile(dependsOn: vscodeClasspathFile) { description'Generates javaconfig.json file for the Visual Studio Code java plugin'defrelativePath={Filef->f.absolutePath-"${project.rootDir.absolutePath}/"} ext.destFile=file("javaconfig.json") ext.config=[sourcePath: sourceSets.collect{ }.flatten().collect{ relativePath(it) },classPathFile: relativePath(tasks.getByPath(':vscodeClasspathFile').outputs.files.singleFile),outputDirectory: relativePath(newFile(buildDir,'vscode-classes')) ] doLast {defjsonContent=groovy.json.JsonOutput.toJson(ext.config) destFile.text=groovy.json.JsonOutput.prettyPrint(jsonContent) }}taskvscode(dependsOn: vscodeJavaconfigFile) { description'Generates config files for the Visual Studio Code java plugin'group'vscode'}
Then rungradlew vscode. This will generate
A java process that does the hard work of parsing and analyzing .java source files.
pom.xml (maven project file)
src/ (java sources)
repo/ (tools.jar packaged in a local maven repo)
target/ (compiled java .class files, .jar archives)
target/fat-jar.jar (single jar that needs to be distributed with extension)
Typescript Visual Studio Code extension
"Glue code" that launches the external java process and connects to it usingvscode-languageclient.
package.json (node package file)
tsconfig.json (typescript compilation configuration file)
tsd.json (project file for tsd, a type definitions manager)
lib/ (typescript sources)
out/ (compiled javascript)
This extension consists of an external java process, which communicates with vscode using thelanguage server protocol.
The java service process uses the implementation of the Java compiler in tools.jar, which is a part of the JDK. When VS Code needs to lint a file, perform autocomplete, or some other task that requires Java code insight, the java service process invokes the Java compiler programatically, then intercepts the data structures the Java compiler uses to represent source trees and types.
The Java compiler isn't designed for incremental parsing and analysis. However, it isextremelyfast, so recompiling a single file gives good performance, as long as we don't also recompile all of its dependencies. We accomplish this by maintaining a single copy of the Java compiler in memory at all times. When we want to recompile a file, we clear thatonefile from the internal caches of the Java compiler, and then rerun the compiler.
If you have multiple javaconfig.json files in different subdirectories of your project, the parent directory of each javaconfig.json will be treated as a separate java root.
The java service process will output a log file with a name like 'javac-services.0.log' in your project directory.
If you have npm and maven installed, you should be able to install locally using
npm install -g vsce
npm install