2.Seeker: But Sadhguru isn't it very natural and human to become anxious when things don't go the way we expect them to?
Sadhguru: Why are you making all your in-capabilities natural and human? Now if a few things are not going smoothly in my life and if I do not become anxious about them, if I retain my sense of balance and continue to do what I have to do, would you call me inhuman? Is that what you're saying? When things aren't going the way you want them to go, that's when your capability is most needed. When you become anxious do you become more capable or less capable? Less capable, isn't it? When you most need your capability, you're forsaking it; would you call that an intelligent way to act? So what you're saying is to live unintelligently is human; that's a very wrong idea. To live intelligently is what being human is all about!