
  • production n.生产,产品;作品;(研究)成果
    Production of computers has doubled in the last few weeks.
  • saving n.存储
    Investment and savings are co-related.
  • investment n.投资;可获利的东西
    Ten million dollars was the amount of the investment sent to China to create joint adventure.
  • expenditure n.支出,话费
  • capital n.资本,资金;资产
    He invested his capital to the best advantage.
  • currency n.通货;通用;市价
    We exchanged our currency at a bank in the airport.
  • denomination n. (种类、数值或大小的)单位
    Cash registers have compartments for bills of diferent denominations.
  • demand n.要求,需求(力量);需要
  • supply n.补给,供给;供应品
  • purchase n./vt. 购买(buy)
    The purchasing power of the people has been increasing.
  • inflation n.通货膨胀
    Inflation crodes the purchasing power of the families with lower income.
  • monetary adj.货币的;金钱的
    The monetary system of certain countries used to be based on gold.
  • microeconomics n.微观经济学
  • macroeconomics n.宏观经济学
  • consume v.消费,消耗(spend)
    Americans consume a huge amount of sugar each year.
  • distribution n.分配,分发;配给物
    Distribution is the process of marketing and supplying goods, especially to retailers.
  • durability n.经久;耐久力
  • nominal adj.名义上的;近似的,大约的
    Nominal gross domestic production differs from real gross domestic production.
  • taxation n.课税,征税,抽税;税款,估定的税额
    Government employs taxation to collect money.
  • externality n.外部因素;可能影响行动进程的偶然条件
    Our economic system treats environmental degradation as an externality.
  • asymmetric adj.不均匀的,不对称的
  • fluctuate vi.变动,波动,涨落
  • predictability n.可预见性
  • trademark
  • copyright n.版权,著作权
    Copyright protects the legal interests of authors.
  • brand,牌子;烙印
    Nike is very famous brand of sports wear.
  • appreciation n.增值
  • depreciation n.贬值
    Depreciation of the US dollars against the Chinese currency drives US export to China.
  • depression n.萧条,不景气
    Depreciation is characterized by decreasing business activity, falling prices, and unemployment.
  • discount n.折扣
  • welfare n.效率;功效
    The program was implementd with great efficiency and speed.
  • unemployment n.失业;失业人数
  • entrepreneur n.企业家;主办人
  • factor n.因素,要素
  • reserve vt.储备,保存,保留;预定,预约 n.储备(物),储藏量
    The government raised the official reserve ratio for commercial banks.
  • fiscal adj.财政的;国库的;会计的;国库岁入的
    Monetary policy and fiscal policy are tools for the government to curb the development of the economy.
  • industrialization n.工业化,产业化
  • deflation n.通货紧缩
  • index n.指数,指标
  • securities n.证券
  • insurance n.保险;保险单;保险业;保险费
  • futures n.期货
  • inventory n.存货vt.盘存,盘点
  • financial adj.财政的,金融的
    Mr. Danial is our financial adviser.
  • budget n.预算 vi.做预算,编入预算
    A new car will not be part of our budget this year.
  • equilibrium n.平衡,均衡;平静
  • hyperinflation n.恶性通货膨胀
  • aggregate n.合计,总计;集合体
    Aggregate sales in that market is expected to grow.
  • incentive n.刺激;鼓励
    Taxation policy is sometimes used as incentives to attract investment
  • profitability n.收益性,利益率
  • allocation n.分配;安置
  • rigidity n.刚性;安置
  • share n.分享,参与;一份,部分;份额,参股
  • stock n.股本;股票,股份
  • Nasdaq n.纳斯达克
  • paymentn.付款,支付;报酬;偿还
  • stagger v.摇晃,蹒跚;交错;摇摇摆摆
  • diutortion n.扭曲,变形;曲解;失真
  • function n.功能,作用
  • tariff n.关税;关税表
    Tariff for major items has been decreasing since China's into the WTO.
  • quota n.配额;限额
    The quota system might contribute to corruption such as rent seeking.
  • textile n.纺织品
  • commodity n.日用品;商品
    Commodities are exchanged for money.
  • poverty n.贫穷,贫困;贫乏,缺少
  • scarcity n.缺乏,不足
    Having looked to government for bread, on the first scarcity they will turn and bite the hand that fed them.
  • dearth n.缺乏,不足;饥荒
  • surplus n.剩余,过剩
  • privatize vt.使归私有,使私人化
    To privatize state-owened enterprises is a way to increase the efficiency of the economy.
  • affluence n.富裕,富足
    People who live in affluence do not kown the pain of poverty.
  • prosperity n.繁荣
  • deprivation n.剥夺
  • paucity n.缺乏,贫乏
  • plethora n.过剩,过多
  • abundance n.丰富,充裕
  • compensate v.偿还;补偿;付报酬
  • merchandise n.商品,货物
  • enterprise,事业;计划;事业心,进取心
    Private enterprise is basic to capitalism.
  • commerce n.商业
    Our country has been trying to broaden its commerce with other nation.
  • discount n.折扣
  • account n.计算;账目
  • collateral adj.担保的
  • reimburse v.偿还
  • refund v.退还,偿还 n.归还;偿还额;退款
  • transaction n.交易;事务;处理事务
    All transactions, from banking to shopping, will be performed electronically.
  • patronage n.赞助
    Shopkeepers thanked Christmas shoppers for their patronage.
  • sponsorship n.恩惠,善行;施与
  • commission n.佣金
    She gets 10% commissions on his sales.
  • ransom n.赎金(payment, redemption) vt.赎回;勒索赎金
    The rich man was asked to pay a high ransom for his daughter who was taken by criminals.
  • interest n.利息;利益
  • bankruptcy n.破产
    The company was involved with critical financial issues and thus applied for bankruptcy.
  • acquisition n.收购;获得;学到
  • merge v.合并,并入
    Merging and acquisition take place every day in busines world.
    ** Always aim for achievement and forget about success.**
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