240 发简信
  • 2018-06-03

    Abstract Jiangshan road (Lianhuo high-speed road— Yellow River scenic sp...

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    run into 碰到, 陷入, I used to run into him from time to time . 我过去时常碰上他。

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    in vain 徒然,枉然 All our work was in vain. 我们所有的工作都白费了。

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    get hold of 把握;抓住;得到 I'd like to get hold of two tickets for the concert...

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    I think watching this kind of films is equal to wasting time. 我认为看这种电影就等...

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    You'll crack up if you carry on working like this. 你如果继续这样工作下去,身体会垮掉的。

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    Let's call it a day. I'm too tired to work any longer today. 今天就到这儿吧。我今天...

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    啊,我有个朋友在洛杉矶学习,他说那地方很漂亮。 Oh, I have a friend who studied in Los Angeles. ...

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    They are a lost generation in search of an identity. 他们属于迷惘的一代,想要找寻自我。