Day 5 Cloze My friend and I got down from Moon Hill in Yangshuo county, ...
Player soars to the top 选手一路高歌猛进 Choose the answer: 1. Which of the foll...
Data set to move out west Choose the answer: 1.What does "the cloud" hel...
This little girl lifts big weights Answer the questions: 1. Where does l...
Day 5 Cloze He is so popular that there is a big award in literature nam...
Mascots go on big adventure 吉祥物开始大冒险 Choose the answer: 1.What can we le...
Shining qualities of today's youth take the spotlight 当今年轻人的闪亮品质成为聚光灯下的焦...
Kids test their skills 孩子们测试他们的技能 Choose the answer: 1. Why did students...
Day 5 Cloze This is something called an allergy . 这就是所谓的过敏症。 Usually, th...