240 发简信
  • sort

    QuickSortion best:o(nlogn) evrytime halfwrost:o(n2) lineaverage:o(nlogn...

  • df and du

    df (show all disk usage) df -T: show typesdf -h: human readable. du (sh...

  • Why sequence number is random?

    Protect TCP from data error.A succeed to connect to B.A send “hello” to ...

  • 2019-07-11

    impartial Why should people believe that the investigation will be impar...

  • template

    template function template. normal function template. template specicali...

  • command alias and source

    alias make alias for commands. alias display all aliasalias lb='ll -h...

  • move and rvalue

    move the move is a function to change a value to a type of rvalue. rvalu...

  • 2019-07-10

    disparity/gap income disparity/gap the living condition gap/disparity be...

  • 2019-03-02

    chronic- chronic pain/diseasefacilitate- facilitate the development/grow...
