240 发简信
  • 2019-01-27 周记

    2019.1.21-2019.1.27 这周总体上来说是平淡的一周,积极地层面有些,如带父母吃了新式的餐厅,和许久不见的朋友一起聊天唱k;相对颓...

  • 2019-1-20 周记

    2019.1.14-2019.1.20 受今天看的Kris的文章的启发,准备开始写周记,复盘一周做了什么:有哪些做的好的地方(受Prof. Ta...

  • Python Basic

    # Import the math package import math as math # Calculate C C = 2*math.p...

  • All

    # Apply gather() to bmi and save the result as bmi_long library(tidyr) b...

  • Robust functions

    # Define troublesome x and y x <- c(NA, NA, NA) y <- c( 1, NA, NA, NA) b...

  • Advanced inputs and outputs

    # Define safe_readLines() safe_readLines <- safely(readLines) # Use the ...

  • When to write a function

    # Define example vector x x <- 1:10 # Define rng rng <- range(x, na.rm =...

  • A quick refresher

    # Define ratio() function ratio <- function(x, y) { x/y } # Cal ratio() ...

  • Importing data from statistical software haven

    haven is an extremely easy-to-use package to import data from three soft...