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    在知识学习中,只有通过形成知识转化为技能的闭环,才是真正的有效学习。 环式学习只需三步,让你的学习不再盲目,也让自己更为专注 根据自己的对标,选...

  • 懂你L3-U3-P4

    L3-U3-P4-1 Listening : Leonardo da Vinci 1Leonardo da Vinci is one of th...

  • 懂你L3-U3-P3

    L3-U3-P3-1 Listening : Harry’s Business Trip 1Harry is on a business tri...

  • 懂你L3-U3-P2

    L3-U3-P2-1 Listening : QuickServe 1QuickServe is a home repair company.I...

  • 懂你L3-U3-P1

    L3-U3-P1-1 Listening : Life & Conditions 1There are many forms of life o...

  • 懂你L3-U2-P4

    L3-U2-P4-1 Listening : Overview of EarthEarth is where we all live. It i...

  • 懂你L3-U2-P3

    L3-U2-P3-1 Listening : Paul's Overseas Trip 1Last month Paul went on a t...

  • 懂你L3-U2-P2

    L3-U2-P2-1 Listening : Paul's Trip Plan 1In six weeks, Paul is going on ...

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