240 发简信
  • 绿皮火车

    2017.03.22 欢欢 一列长长的绿皮火车 一位瘦瘦的白皙女孩 一个美美的蓝色梦想 每当长长的绿皮火车长鸣 那个花季女孩从家里跑出来 庄严地...

  • Never give up

    Winnter was gone by naturally. Spring has come by freely. May summer aga...

  • Practice Yoga

    Since last year I contacted the Yoga until the winnter came I stopped it...

  • Learning English a~z 15th,March 2017

    Since two days ago.13th.March 2017.my schoolmate Mr.Lu sent me a message...
