吃晚饭的时候,小宝突然提出了一个问题,他问道:“妈妈,你会和爸爸离婚吗?” 这个小家伙不知怎么突然提出这个问题,我看着他,反问道...
刚刚刷到了朋友发的朋友圈,是她女儿要求她陪写作业的事,最后她女儿说以后考不好可别怪我哦。看来要求陪写作业也成了小孩子的共同点了。 ...
1. Preview Read text before class so that you can know what you need to ...
Beginning of summer is the 7th of the 24 traditional Chinese solar terms...
The Mid-Autumn Festival is around the corner. We have an eight-day holid...
But for the typhoon,sula, We would have to go to school today. Now we ar...
There was a piece of good news about stock market yesterday. The stamp t...
Change is the very essence of life. 变化恰恰是人生的本质。