240 发简信
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  • 2018-05-27

    https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/-7VLiKCgskEbBXI21Qs3Kg广州亚太创新研究院英语翻译实习生 https:...

  • 我们仨.杨绛


  • Pride and Prejudice

    single wonderful marry with visit flatter beauty polite society sy bette...

  • love me for whom i really am

    Our culture strongly inclines us to the view that genuine love must invo...

  • 美国驻以色列使馆迁往耶路撒冷+川航客机飞行途中驾驶舱玻璃脱落 最终成功着陆

    国际 The US will move its embassy operations in Israel from Tel Aviv to Je...

  • 二笔

    1 guffaw laugh till tears roll down ones cheeks 2 scotch the rumors 3 be...

  • 名人毕业演讲

    https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/af9wuWLfyJBg3CrUdSNMSg 【听力】苹果CEO库克2018年杜克大学毕业...

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