先咬住舌头,再发出音 在句子读的比较快的情况下可以轻读甚至略读th That's what confused me. What's that s...
R的发音类似于中文中“二”的发音 park car Charlie hard r后面没有元音(念卷舌音) her People are gonn...
The kangaroo is one animal that's now being farmed for its meat and eate...
As well as all these facilities available here on compus, we also have a...
If you want to make an appointment, you can phone or call at the office ...
在句子中读快的情况下h在中间会被省略 Where is he? Who is he? Does he have girlfriend? Do y...
Let me give you some details so that you know where to go and who to see...
N后面D也会省略 grandpa grandma friend end send 闪音 清辅音都有闪音 ,闪音现象夹在元音中间 I wish I...
口语中T的发音 N后面T会省略 It's too hard, I can't do this. You can(k'n) do(注意结尾w的发...