240 发简信
  • 读《活法》

    一、简介 《活法》作为一部风靡全球的超级畅销书,让无数人在迷茫时代找到了活着的意义,他的作者稻盛和夫一生创办了两个世界500强企业,被誉为日本四...

  • 自我介绍-学生(self-introduction)

    My name is Joe.I am a student,and I don't have a job.I'm not married.I d...

  • 公寓或房子(apartment or house)

    I living in an apartment.My apartment building is big.It has sixty apart...

  • 购物(go shopping)

    I have to go to a clothing store today.I have to go to an electronics st...

  • 作息表(calendar)

    It is June.I am a student.I have English class on Mondays and Wednesdays...

  • 自我介绍(self-introduction)

    My name is Nick.I live in a house.I have three roommates.My house is big...

  • 日常生活(daily life)

    It is sunny today.Joe wants to play football outside.He loves football.H...

  • 听听陆幼青的择偶家训

    乌压压的天空笼罩着整个上海,窗外不时传来汽车飞驰而过,轮胎碾过被雨水打湿的路面的那种噪音。 手机蓝牙连着音响,此时正播放着电台节目:陆幼青-...

  • 求谁不如求自己,答案就在问题里

    “说“字的奥义 人该怎样说话?该说什么话?不用去问别人,“说“字本身就全回答了,“说“字由“言“和“兑“组成,即说话一定要谨慎,说过的话一定要兑...