今天是英语晨读的最后一天,明天我们这一批学员就结业了,30天的时间过得真快。早课时S以Standard English的同步朗读为例给我们下一步...
S早起晨读第六期总结 [if !supportLists]0.[endif]这是我加入成长会以来参加的第二个小组,第一个小组是口译基础训练营,而...
Materials: 整个语段 Facts:今天关注的重点由单词层面上升到了句子层面,包括语调,断句和重读强调。 Comments:上早课时我在...
Materials: The American Heart Association says about 95% of victims die ...
Materials: Doctor Ewy thinks the CPR guidelines should be changed again....
Materials:He says this would save lives. Studies show that many people d...
Materials: It said people should increase the number of chest presses fr...