240 发简信
  • RIBA Architects say building demolitions cause of carbon emissions

    Experts used to be proud to reduce emissions by replacing leaky old buil...

  • 正能量

    These faults and mistakes are what I am, making up the brightest stars i...

  • 25岁之后,越来越难动心


  • play second fiddle to当助手,居次位

    But in the last few years, this area of computer science has had to play...

  • paparazzi 狗仔队

    mess up 把事情弄糟put a toe out of line 做错事情set foot in 踏足

  • 怎样成为一个成功的女人

    Communicate what you want Educate yourself Save for the unexpected Get a...

  • Fresco为什么要分成不同的图层(layers)

    为什么设计图层图层可以把你作品的不同元素分隔开,你也可以选择多个图层和同时运用一个动作到多个图层上。 Merge down也可以选择Merge ...

  • The rocking horse winner

    It is better to be born lucky than rich. If you are rich, you may lose y...

  • Story of an hour

    She died of heart disease when she heard that her husband is not dead in...
