耳塞棉花 我最近上班时间都会用。我觉得比把精油滴在口罩上感觉要舒服的多。 鼻腔涂抹油膏 油膏比起精油来更好携带,涂抹时鼻腔也更方便。也是我最近喜...
如春 扑面而来的是青草气息,给我的感觉是嫩嫩的草芽冒出头,带来春的气息,远远望去一片淡淡绿色,然后花香味多起来,就像一夜之间,点点春花次第开放,...
翻译 We can't gauge success by wealth and popularity. 仿写 The result of wor...
翻译 Sanlitun is characterised by plenty if fashion brands and west food r...
1)翻译下面的句子: 雅思考试可以让考生知道他们的英语水平如何。 IELTS enables candidates to evaluate th...
翻译 His decision is economicly wise, but can be hardly justifyied morally...
翻译 Despite great odds, true love will always prevail. 仿写 The team who pr...
翻译 Fluence in a foreign language can translate into competitive edge in ...
As AI advances, concerns loom. (今天的翻译自己又没翻出来,感觉自己离英语思维还有很大的距离。) As the a...