240 发简信
  • 为什么说数据中心才是5G最大的受益者


  • The canterville ghost

    Then he smashed the bottle of oil onto the floor and fled down the corri...

  • nexus

    we think that there is a nexus between them

  • conversation 002

    There's no gettin' around that. 这句话在口语或者是国外的报章杂志中经常出现,意思是“那个是不可避免的,没办法的”...

  • devoted family man

    devoted family man 顾家男人

  • million to one

    million to one 百万分之一 quintillion to one 千万亿分之一

  • trespassing

    美国经常都有路牌 Road Sign Private road No Trespassing

  • conversation 001

    Take it slow, control the bleeding. then we'll dump sector by sector sta...

  • unplug

    I had to unplug the phone So I came out here to unplug and I, you know, ...