切片内置顺序-x .... -1, 0, 1, ..., x01
不可变对象=》可哈希 对于不变对象来说,调用对象自身的任意方法,也不会改变该对象自身的内容。相反,这些方法会创建新的对象并返回,这样,就保证了不...
‘unicode' 是python字符串(str) 内置的编码格式,与之对应的字节序列(bytes)是以二进制存储各类标准字符串的源码 unic...
I confess that I was considerably shocked by this fresh proof of my comp...
I picked up a magazine from the table, and attempted to pass the time wi...
*significance* 意义,重要性,含义 *stain* M : n 污渍,污迹,染色 v 玷污,染色 *clumsy* M : ...
First written in 4/27/2018 **philosophy on** academic honesty is best st...