240 发简信
  • 每日一言

    Put aside the most romantic words,I want to melt all the ice for you. ...

  • 每日一言

    I've been working for this my whole life. 我一辈子都在为这一刻努力。

  • 每日一言

    It was good running into you today. 今天能遇到你真好。

  • 每日一言

    If life only such as first, then timesong will prosperous some. -----若人生...

  • 每日一言

    since life is used to experience and discover,why don’t we try? 既然生命是用来体...

  • 每日一言

    Hope to be able to work hard enough to move myself. 希望有天努力到足以感动自己。

  • 每日一言

    There are some things you can only wait. 有些东西你只能等。

  • 每日一言

    The time is calling. 似水流年,却是如歌。

  • 感觉那件小事
