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  • On Writing Well 11.25-11.26

    其实我真的超级不想写这个总结,因为周五没有写笔记_(:зゝ∠)_身为一个强迫症这就非常难过了,丧到不想继续打卡。 这是我第一次完整读完一本英文原...

  • On Writing Well 11.23

    Vocabulary 1.It also adds a certain kind of information —— not hard fact...

  • On Writing Well 11.22

    Excerpt The writer, his eye on the finish line, never gave enough though...

  • On Writing Well 11.21

    Vocabulary 1.It takes audacity and exberance and gaiety. audacity:Audaci...

  • On Writing Well 11.20

    Vocabulary 1.It's crude. It's corny. It's verbose. crude: adj 1)A crude ...

  • Resize,w 360,h 240
    On Writing Well 11.18-11.19

    Vocabulary presumably:adv.大概,可能,想来,据推测 deflect:vt.& vi.使歪斜;使弯曲;偏转,偏离 fra...

  • On Writing Well 11.17

    Excerpt Humor is the secret weapon of the nonfiction writer. If you tryi...

  • On Writing Well 11.16

    Excerpt Yet I suggest several conditions that apply to both good reviewi...

  • On Writing Well 11.15

    Excerpt The best sportswriters know this. They avoid the exhausted synon...