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  • 横眉·俯首

    初识鲁迅 这大概是从小学时候开始了。最早读的便是节选自朝花夕拾的《少年闰土》。 小时,我总有在刚发书的那一天把所有新课本看完一遍的习惯,语文课本...

  • The Mysterious Laboratory (11)

    Chapter 11 No illusion I recalledall the details he released in his word...

  • The Mysterious Laboratory (10)

    Chapter 10 The truth turned clear Withhesitation, I stepped on the trans...

  • The Mysterious Laboratory (9)

    Chapter 9 Blood I held out my arms to cover my face, the stinky odor of ...

  • The Mysterious Laboratory (8)

    Chapter 8 Who was the predator? It didn't take long till I reopened my e...

  • The Mysterious Laboratory (7)

    All of those seemed fascinating to me, since walking with dinosaurs has ...

  • The Goldfish

    It all started when my goldfish started talking to me. His name is Frank...

  • The Mysterious Laboratory (6)

    Chapter6 The previous potion According to scientists in our world, when ...

  • The Mysterious Laboratory (5)

    Chapter 5 The Machine Finally, I got inside the lab. It was just a plain...
