240 发简信
  • The day on the island

    I still remember the incident at that night from the sea.It was too emer...

  • Three items taken on an island

    If I must choose three things when I prepare to land on an island where ...

  • The person I admire most

    The legendary person who I want to admire is called Lincoln who was born...

  • If I had $1000000

    If I had $1000000,I will think is it meaningful to have too much money f...

  • Pupply Love

    Pupply Love is a secret which can't tell the others.Most of adults have ...

  • Pupply Love

    Pupply Love is a secret which It can't Tell The others.Most of adult hav...

  • Introduce  myself

    I am David,Now I am 16 years old.I like playing basketball. Xu zhou is a...