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  • 8 Do You Speak Spainsh?

    Mexico 墨西哥 Portugal n. 葡萄牙(欧洲西南部国家) Portuguese adj. 葡萄牙的;葡萄牙人的;葡萄牙语的;葡萄牙...

  • 轻松说英语225

    (today our dialog/dialogue is ….) How is business? So-so. 过得去。 Business ...

  • 轻松说英语224

    (We have some good mews. We have good news. We have a good piece of news...

  • 轻松说英语223

    I’m so excited. 我兴奋的要命。 I just won a lottery. You are kidding. I bought ...

  • 轻松说英语222

    (I don’t have a thing to wear, come on.) How should I dress for the part...

  • 轻松说英语221

    Did you hear about Sur? She is a family way. 你最近听到苏的消息了吗?她怀孕了。 Don’t tel...

  • 轻松说英语220

    (I was coughing.) cough 咳嗽 Would you mind if I smoked? I’d rather you di...

  • 轻松说英语219

    (Do you like music? Oh! This is my favorite. Very good. Then I have a qu...

  • 轻松说英语218

    I’m sweating to death. 我流汗流得快死了。 I hate you to death. 我恨死你了。 Something's...