240 发简信
  • 分手啦!

    断了日更不后悔!因为去做了摘镜手术,跟你侬我侬12年的眼镜说了分手!!! 一大早就兴冲冲的去医院检查眼睛的情况,结果眼睛状况挺好的,眼角膜的厚度...

  • 新加坡(下)

    4.克拉码头 Clarke Quay 点酒和小吃: Can I have a Singapore Sling? 我能点一杯新加坡司令酒吗? Wh...

  • Resize,w 360,h 240

    2.滨海湾金沙酒店 Marina bay sands 要求换房: Is there any harbour view room availabl...

  • 新加坡(上)

    Part1:狮城百科 Facts about Singapore Garden City=花园之城 The Lion City=狮城 Singa...

  • 入住酒店常用英语

    关于预定酒店: 预订房间 I'd like to book a single room for next Wednesday. 我想预定下周三的...

  • ~time

    Good morning ,Guys The man who has made up his mind to win will never sa...

  • 早安!

    Morning!When you wake up in the morning, set a goal that today you must ...

  • in~

    Good morning #今日金句 I’m not getting older. I’m getting better. 我才没有越来越老,我...

  • 今日练习

    早安~ 今日金句 The more I want to get something done, the less I call it work....