1)许多非政府组织(Non-Governmental Organization)力图捍卫教育平等。 Many NGOs strive to champion educatio...
尽管官方予以否认,但谣言仍未平息。 Despite official denials, the rumors still persist. 二十世纪三十年代大部分时候都是经济...
Steve 本可以成为富人。 Steve could have ended up rich. 如果你还是这样拼命工作,你身体会垮,一切都将没有意义。 If you conti...
1)主动倾听可以加强信任和互相理解。 Active listening can deepen trust and mutual understanding. 2)缺乏沟通加深...
1)这项最新报告研究的是英语流利度和收入的相关性。 The newest report concerns the correlation between English pr...
在意大利时装品牌 Dolce & Gabbana 发布自己饱受争议的粗俗广告后,很多中国艺人决定不再和它合作。 After Italian fashion brand Dol...
1)翻译下面的句子: 在阿汤哥(Tome Cruise)近 40 年的职业生涯中,他扮演过许多经典角色。 Over the course of his nearly four...
去国外度假已经变得越来越平常。 Foreign vacations have become increasingly commonplace. 共享单车如今很普及。 Shar...
Tom 不仅擅长写作,还擅长拍电影。 Tom is not only good at writing, but also adept at filmmaking. Tom擅长...
1)使用《牛津英语搭配词典》查“adept”,了解它作为形容词时的常用搭配。 Tom 不仅擅长写作,还擅长拍电影。 Tom is not only good at writi...
1)超重人群容易患上“三高”(高血压、高血糖和高脂血症)。 Overweight people are prone to the “three highs”—high blo...
1)中国经济下行,许多 O2O 模式显得不再可行。 With China’s economy going downhill, many online-to-offline (...
1)还好,我们在推出产品之前及时发现了一个瑕疵,并马上解决了问题。 Thankfully, we spotted a product defect in time and f...
1)翻译下面的句子: 教授的航班又晚点了,大概是恶劣的天气所致吧。 The professor's flight was delayed again, presumably ...
快过年了,不少人在纠结要不要换一份工作。 As the Spring Festival approaches, many people are hesitant about ...
这本书第 5 章里的一个观点好像和前面提到的观点相冲突。 An argument in the fifth chapter seems to be at odds with ...
1)很多雇主常常会找那些能够展示出通用技能的人。 Many employers often look for people who can demonstrate trans...
1) 在这个竞争激烈的世界,只有适者才能生存。 In this cut-throat world, only the fittest will survive. 2) 大学毕...