I enjoyed a great workshop with my coworkers on at work, how to be candid & helpful whe...
I enjoyed a great workshop with my coworkers on at work, how to be candid & helpful whe...
As a user experience designer, aside from being a advocate for user needs and business ...
实在不敢相信,2016年这么快就要过去了。 2016年是充满故事的一年,也是我作为一个设计师迅速成长的一年。一年这么过去,如果不用文字记录下来,如果就任日子如流水般地过去的话...
I've always been curious how great companies were built, and what mindsets the founders...
The Ladies of Product group held a great experience sharing and learning workshop today...
You'll notice good and bad designs around you, if you pay enough attention to the surro...
It’s interesting to look back on how I decided to go with user experience design as a c...
I've been doodling daily for over a year, and it has become an indispensable part of my...
When I doodle, I try to keep the figures simple enough so I can focus on telling the st...