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我的主页地址为:Meng Hao's Homepage欢迎访问!
A physical core is what it sounds like - an actual physical processor core in your CPU....
介绍RAPL的链接 RUNNING AVERAGE POWER LIMIT, https://01.org/zh/blogs/2014/running-average-pow...
Configuring PAPI to support RAPL When configuring PAPI, you need to provide the --with-...
解决方法 It seems kernel didn't let me access to performance events because of security rea...
好久没画画了,今晚抽了点时间临摹。 之前看到了简书作者(乔伊呀)的画,觉得她的画都超级有意境,当时就收藏了准备以后有空慢慢画。(貌似还没经过她同意,哈哈。) 看着这幅画就想到...
春天来了,谁的朋友圈没出现过几张彰显春意的照片呢! 反正学堂君的朋友圈已经被各种刷屏,满屏春意挡也挡不住! 看见大家发的照片,本君表示很欣慰,各位的摄影课没白上o(*////...