240 发简信
  • from lacmodel import lacmod这个执行不通,是不是还少了什么?
    ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'lacmodel'


    最近有个语义分词工具的需求,在比较查找了一番后决定使用百度开源的LAC百度语义分词 https://github.com/baidu/lac 环境准备(测试时是centos ...

  • 2019-05-04

    but me no buts 莎士比亚

  • 120
  • 英语学习-therefore

    My sons,i am shortly about to die.i would have you know,therefore,that in my farm there...

  • thank you

    To my sweetheart

    Thank you for taking care of baby and keeping the home warmly best wishes to you

  • 120
    To my sweetheart

    Thank you for taking care of baby and keeping the home warmly best wishes to you