习题 18: 命名、变量、代码、函数 # this one is like your scripts with argvdef print_two(*args):arg1,a...
习题 18: 命名、变量、代码、函数 # this one is like your scripts with argvdef print_two(*args):arg1,a...
习题 13: 参数、解包、变量 from sys import argvscript,first,second,third = argvprint("The script i...
习题 27: 记住逻辑关系 and 与or 或not 非!= (not equal) 不等于== (equal) 等于>= (greater-than-equal) 大于等于...
习题1:第一个程序 print("Hello World!")print("Hello Again")print("I like typing this.")print("T...