240 发简信
  • -rich

    1、翻译:Pregnant women should eat protein-rich foods. 2、如果你想减肥,就应该少吃富含碳水化合物的食物。 If you wan...

  • ill-

    1、翻译:The decision is well-intended but ill-advised. 2、场景:运气不佳的竞争者往往是计划不周的。 The ill-star...

  • -minded

    1、翻译 This program is designed for students who are more sports-oriented than academical...

  • -ridden

    1、翻译 The debt-ridden firm is starting to shift its focus to overseas operations. 2、娱乐圈表...

  • -oriented

    1、翻译 Douyin is a youth-oriented short video app, claiming to boast more than 2.5m daily...

  • -conscious

    1、翻译 Health-conscious parents preffer to buy imported infant fomula 2、场景:越来越多注重身材的年轻人喜欢...

  • hindsight

    1)翻译下面的句子:早知道我应该对她更多一点耐心。With hindsight, I should have been a bit more patient with her...

  • 2019.03.27 sentiment&inertia&

    sentiment 1、英英释义:an opinion or feeling you have about something 2、例句: 比如几年国内有一波儿很强的反日情绪...

  • 2019.3.20 trademark & clout & tailspin

    一、trademark 1、英英释义:something that you wear, do, or say that is typical of you 2、用法:“tr...

  • 2019-2-25

    一、explore: 英英释义:inquire into or discuss (a subject) in detail 可同义替换:talk about /look at...

  • 2019-2-25

    一、explore: 英英释义:inquire into or discuss (a subject) in detail 可同义替换:talk about /look at...

  • 2019-2-25

    一、explore: 英英释义:inquire into or discuss (a subject) in detail 可同义替换:talk about /look at...

  • leave

    1、翻译: The ending of the movie left countless audiences teary-eyed. 2、长时间的工作让我十分疲惫。 work...

  • factor in

    1、翻译 Experienced writers always factor in their writing purpose and the audience. 2、场景:...

  • characterize

    1、翻译 Numerous fashion brands and Western food restaurants characterize Sanlitun. 2、中国文化...

  • enable

    1、翻译IELTS enables examinees to get a sense of how proficient their English is. 2、场景:读书可...

  • Justify

    1、翻译:His decision can be justified from an economic point of view but can hardly be mor...

  • 补打卡translate

    1、翻译Fluency in a foreign language can translate into an edge in the workplace. 2、场景:只有努...

  • prevail

    1,翻译Despite great odds, true love always prevails. 2、场景一:坚持就是胜利 Persistence will prevai...
