作者:JonesYang转载:https://juejin.im/post/6850037269244575757 前言 计算机网络是一门基础课程,但是老师所讲的东西无非起到...
A unified & collaborative workspace for your notes, wikis, and tasks. 将笔记、知识库和任务管理无缝整合的...
一、引言 需求管理绝对可以算是产品经理日常工作中比较重要且高频的操作,今天我不聊高大上的马斯洛需求层次理论、也不去深挖人类需求池在产品上的表现形式,只想跟大家聊聊需求管理如...
Words incarceration n. the state of being imprisoned; imprisonment, captivity; -> incar...
Week 5-5/6/17 Mon. Notes The key point in spoken English: to convey the message, to let...
Week 4 - 5.31 Wed. 译文(下) 老刀有点担忧,看了看手表,清晨5点。他回到楼门口等着。两旁狼吞虎咽的饥饿少年围绕着他。他认识其中两个,原来在彭蠡家见过一两次...
Week 4 - 5.30 Tue 译文(上) 清晨4:50,老刀穿过熙熙攘攘的步行街,去找彭蠡。 It was ten to five in the morning. Ol...
Week 4 精读笔记 psychiatry n. the branch of medicine concerned with the treatment of mental...
Week 4笔译笔记 老刀Old Dao 彭蠡Fan li 垃圾站transfer station 褐色brown 袖口磨了边worncuffs 卷(袖子)roll up 土...
Week 3 - 5.24 Wed 必做译文(下) Economic theory posited that a developed countrylike the Unit...
Week 3 5.22 Mon. 笔译笔记(必做) Vocab designation n. Adesignationis a description, name, or t...
In Beauty and the Beast, Phil Donahue talks about humans’ amazing ability to make wonde...
神句 1.All the money would have been worthless if legions of craftsmen hadn’t been willin...
5.16 Tue. Week 2 精读笔记 Mind Map Vocab superdeluxe豪华的 reciprocating machine往复机 cyclotron ...