『we went on a picnic』 Today, Dad had a rest. We went on a picnic and had a good time.I ...
尘宝英语启蒙之路之清华幼儿英语0a unit1-3游戏篇三 I prepared the plate toy before chenchen got up .Then I went into the room,turned ...
尘宝英语启蒙之路之清华幼儿英语0a unit1-3游戏篇三 I prepared the plate toy before chenchen got up .Then I went into the room,turned ...
游戏篇三 I prepared the plate toy before chenchen got up .Then I went into the room,turned ...
游戏篇 Yesterday,we painted on the bus ❥“let's play a game” I prepared two cards, one for ...
清华英语0a unit 1第一篇~ Look there are two cards/pictures Can you tall me what's this 比大小,认知,数数 It's a bun...
第一篇~ Look there are two cards/pictures Can you tall me what's this 比大小,认知,数数 It's a bun...
一早陪尘宝玩了乐高,不是简单的拼搭,而是换了一种玩法,我拼好了一个“迷宫图案”,让尘宝从入口找到出口,反应还挺快哈哈 『其实其中还可以参入数学的,比如个数,比多少,迷宫最外面...
美好的一天从游戏开始~ 去公园咯~“我们玩警察执法游戏吧,你是警察,我是卡车,你指挥交通,我闯了红灯,你把我拦住,然后还要罚款开罚单” “好” “红灯,停”我故意往前开 “停...
@海潮sk 谢谢,只是做了母亲该做的,慢慢陪着长大~
陪伴~静待花开~D2周7月10天清晨,带着尘宝出门溜达,因为下过雨的缘故,门前的绿草坪上都挂满了小水滴。顺带拍了照图,美美哒~ “尘尘,你快来看,小草上面为什么会有这么多小水滴呀?” “因为下雨啦” “快来...