以歌曲或者台词的形式来分析语法,希望可以和更多可爱的韩语迷们一起学习哦,不管是为追星还是纯粹喜欢这门语言,我们都一起进步吧! 来吧来吧,一起学习呀! the first on...
1. 记得早先少年时 大家诚诚恳恳 说一句 是一句 清早上火车站 长街黑暗无行人 卖豆浆的小店冒着热气 从前的日色变得慢 车,马,邮件都慢 一生只够爱一个人 从前的锁也好看 ...
“一张没有牙齿的嘴,不再具有说出真理的权利。” ——尼采《查拉图斯特拉如是说》
I respect every kind of belief. But in terms of myself, I just
13.1 Elasticity is defined as the ratio of the percentage change in quantity demanded t...
12.1 One characteristic regarding price elasticity: for most goods and services, the lo...
5.1 Price, income, price-income, elasticities of demand 5.2 Compare substitution and in...
5.1P Price, income, cross–price elasticities of demand Determine normal goods and infer...