因果情缘何处求, 青山无情水自流。 镜中容颜已憔悴, 恍如隔世几春秋。 林徽因说:“终于明白,有些路,只能一个...
因果情缘何处求, 青山无情水自流。 镜中容颜已憔悴, 恍如隔世几春秋。 林徽因说:“终于明白,有些路,只能一个...
辛稼轩有诗曰:『欲行且起行,欲坐重来坐。坐坐行行有倦时,更枕闲书卧』。行坐倦处,只以闲书为伴!得先人之慧,领古贤之性。 夜来阴冷,扇面只写了半页,腹有不适,时有倦意袭来,料明...
生活越接近平淡,内心越接近绚烂。 经历了一些世事,可以领悟到,太过用力、太过张扬的东西,一定是虚张声势的。而内心的安宁才是真正的安宁,它更干净、更纯粹,更接近那叫灵魂的地方。...
是处有山兼有水,此身无累亦无喧。 顺境逆境,都是分别执着来的。塞翁失马,焉知非福?顺境逆境在时间的考验下也会互换变迁。要是执着,心生烦恼,便是逆境; 若心如如不动,一切都是顺...
Single Choice: 1. To keep something private means it shouldn't be shared with others.2....
Questions: 1>> One afternoon, his teacher told him he had no talent and told him to go ...
Repeat Sentences: 1. Gossip may hurt or embarrass the person being gossiped about. 2. C...
Single choice: 1. He looked lonely and depressed, not at all like he used to be.2. Jass...
Repeat Sentences: 图片发自简书App1. One of the most popular careers for kids is to become an ...
Listen to the audio and see weather the picture or text match the audio or answer the q...
【Passage 1 】 If you are about to quit your job and start your own company, then maybe y...
【Passage 1】 Gravity is a force of attraction between two objects with mass. In human in...
【Passage 1】 Further examinations revealed something more about how he may have died. Us...
People are often nervous or apprehensive before performing in front of an audience. Peo...