20200116 社会 利弊题 Withgrowing population in cities, more and more people live in a home w...
20200116 社会 利弊题 Withgrowing population in cities, more and more people live in a home w...
20200111 气候变化影响生意 利弊,是非 Somepeople argue that climate change has negative effects on b...
20200112 健康选择 对比题 Out of thefollowing three things, which one would you prefer to regul...
20200111 新老建筑政府类 利弊 Doyou agree or disagree with the following statement? Thegovernment...
20200105 分享科学发现 政府类 利弊 Doyou agree or disagree with following statement? Thegovernment ...
20200104 社会文化类 利弊影响 Nowadays someolder people choose to live in the retirement communit...
Blink- 眨眼之间, 中文译名《决断2秒间》,作者是纽约客的专职作家马尔科姆·格拉德威尔(Malcolm Gladwell)。 打分:3星半 阅读难度:一般 Blink-...