【童谣】 Star light,star bright, First star I see tonight, I wish I may,I wi...
【童谣内容】 Half a pound of tuppenny rice Half a pound of treacle Mix it up a...
【童谣】 Mrs Mason bought a basin; Mrs Tyson said, What a nice’un; What did ...
【童谣】 Oh, the brave old duke of York, He had ten thousand men; He marched...
【童谣】 Chook, chook, chook, chook. Good morning, Mrs Hen. How many chicken...
【童谣】 Whose little pigs are these, these, these? Whose little pigs are th...
【童谣】 One for sorrow Two for joy Three for a girl Four for a boy Five for...
【童谣】 One, two, three, four, Mary's at the cottage door, Five, six, seven...
【童谣】 这首童谣描述的是老百姓眼中的国王来补鞋的场景(实际上国王需要补鞋吗?) Cobbler, cobbler, mend my shoe,...