
英文 中文
Amber. 安柏
No. 不好
Why not? 为什么
Amber's a stripper name. 安柏是脱衣舞娘的名字
Find me 你倒是找个
one stripper named Amber Hartig. 叫安柏·哈蒂格的脱衣舞娘我看看
Or not, okay. 还是不要了
Non-stripper names, okay. 不用脱衣舞娘的名字好吧
Desiree? Bambi? Candy cane? 黛丝丽斑比坎迪金
Max. 玛克斯
Maxine. 玛克辛
Max Hartig is a cute name, isn't it? 玛克斯·哈蒂格很可爱不是吗
If you're a professional boxer, maybe. 如果是个职业拳击手的话或许
Can you believe we made this little creature? 你能相信我们创造了这个小生命吗
I know, it's incredible. 我知道不可思议
It's the most amazing thing we've ever done. 这是我们做过最神奇的事
I almost ran the marathon last year. 去年我差点就去跑马拉松了
If we're lucky you won't inherit your daddy's sense of humor. 幸运的话可别继承你爸的幽默感
Hello! Say hi to Bear! 你好向小熊问好
She hasn't even eaten anything, what is she spitting up? 她什么都没吃怎么吐了
Well, honey, we can't bug them again. 亲爱的我们不能再麻烦他们了
Just... 可是
Okay, okay. 好吧好吧
Sorry, it's our first kid, 不好意思这是我们第一个孩子
we're both a little panicky I guess. 可能我们都有点大惊小怪
Well, you gotta ask the pediatrician next time. I just deliver 'em. 你下次得问儿科医生我只是接生的
She spitting up? 她吐了吗
Yeah. Second time in an hour? 对一个小时里第二次了
You lived underwater for nine months, 要是你在水下生活了9个月
you'd have a lot to spit up, too. 也会吐不少东西的
Is something wrong? 有什么问题吗
Eh, a little lethargic. 有点反应迟钝
We didn't think... 我们不觉得...
She's hot. 她很烫
Is she, uh... 她是...
Baby's seizing! Get the crash cart! 婴儿在抽风把急救车推来
What's happening? 发生什么事了
What's, what's, what's, what's wrong? 什么什么什么事
Can I get some help in here?! 我这里要人帮忙
Oh, oh God! Is she all right? 天哪她没事吧
IV access? 要输液吗
No, ativan. 不用氯羟安定
What's going on? 发生什么事了
Maternity 母性
MRI results are back. 核磁共振结果出来了
And? 然后呢
It's what we expected. 和我们预料的一样
The accident caused serious damage. 事故导致严重损伤
It's amnesia. 失忆症
I'm sorry. 我很抱歉
I just can't believe it. 我只是无法相信
Enjoying our lounge, House? 来我们休息室享受啊豪斯
I just came in to get milk for my coffee, which you're out of. 我来找点牛奶配咖啡可你们没了
Flat or sparkling? 矿泉水还是苏打水
- Flat. - Sparkling. -矿泉水-苏打水
So, the Hartigs? 哈蒂格家的孩子怎样了
Their baby gets a fever. 孩子在发烧
Wait, don't tell me.Their kid had a seizure. 等等别告诉我孩子还抽风了
Yep. 没错
The parents, of course, start freaking 那对夫妇理所当然的会惊慌失措
and I have to deal with that for an hour. 我不得不花了一个小时对付他们
Like it was your fault. 好像是你的错似的
She was perfect when I delivered her. 我接生的时候她可是完好无损的
If you want to blame someone,blame the pediatrician. 要说责任的话应该找儿科医生
So, how's the kid now? 那么小孩现在怎样了
Bowel obstruction, she's under observation, she'll be fine. 肠梗阻观察中会好的
Pediatrician'll take all the credit. 这就成了儿科医生的功劳了
exhibit A Baby girl Hartig. 展品A女婴哈蒂格
Term baby, 42 hours old. 顺产出生42小时
Went into seizures 6 hours ago, 6小时前突发抽风
brought into the intensive care, 送入加护病房
diagnosed with obstruction of the small bowel. 诊断为肠梗阻
I'm still amazed you're in the same room with a patient. 我仍不敢想象你和病人待在同一个房间
People don't bug me until they get teeth. 没长牙之前他们不会很烦人
exhibit B Baby boy Hausen. 展品B男婴豪森
Another term baby, 48 hours old. 也是顺产出生48
Brought into the NICU before the Hartig baby: 在哈蒂格前被送入加护病房
fever of unknown origin,101 degrees, trending upwards. 不明高热华氏101度体温持续升高
Wow, that is amazing. 太令人惊异了
You hung out in the OB/GYN lounge all morning 你整上午在妇产科休息室闲晃
and heard about two sick babies. 听到两个小孩生病了
It's eerie. 真可怕
Don't touch that. 别碰
All right... 好吧
We have an infection spreading in the hospital. 医院里有传染病传播
These kids have totally unrelated illnesses. 这两个小孩的病完全没有关系
They fell sick within four hours of each other. 他们4小时内相继发病
They had the same delivery rooms 同一产房
maternity rooms are neighboring,so transmission's possible. 产后病房相邻传播完全可能
They have the same symptoms. 他们有同样的症状
The Hartig girl has a bowel obstruction. 哈蒂格女婴是肠梗阻
No matter how close their beds are, 无论他们的病床有多近
I'm pretty sure kids can't share a blockage. 我肯定他们不会共享同样的梗阻物
What does bowel obstruction on a chart indicate? 肠梗阻在病历上是什么意思
Well, normally, I'd say 一般来说我会说是
it indicates a patient's bowel is obstructed, 表示病人的肠子有梗阻
but I'm pretty sure you have some deeper truth to impart... 不过我很肯定你有更高深的见解...
It means that some random doctor of indeterminate skill thinks 这表示某某些无技术无责任心的医生
that the patient's bowel is obstructed. 认为病人肠部有梗阻
Okay, you're upset 好吧你不爽
because they threw you out of their lounge. 因为他们把你从休息室赶出来了
Look at the x-ray. 看看X光片
It's a normal gas pattern. 是普通胀气
You want, I can get you a key to the oncology lounge. 你要的话我可以搞把肿瘤科休息室的钥匙给你
Air. Air in the column. 是空气直肠里有空气
We're getting TiVo. 我们休息室有录像机
If it's air, no bowel obstruction. 如果是空气就不是肠梗阻
Even if it is air, 即便是空气
it could have been there before the obstruction. 也可能是在肠梗阻前就有的
Something's infected both these infants. 两个婴儿同时被感染了
And you're the only one who put this together because...? 你是唯一一个把这两桩事联系起来的因为...
Because I'm the only one who looked at both kids. 因为我是唯一一个同时关注两个婴儿的
I want them isolated; I want the maternity ward shut down. 我要求把他们隔离并关闭产科病房
Because you're better at reading an x-ray than a radiologist. 因为你比放射科医生更懂怎么看X光片
Radiologists always over-read babies' x-rays, 放射科医生总是对婴儿的片子小题大作
especially if they're asked to rule out a pathology. 特别是被要求排除病因的时候
He read into it what he wanted. 他们只看他们想看到的
Which is exactly what you're doing. 可你现在就是这样
You're finding a cluster 你在找他们的交集
because you think it's interesting to find a cluster. 因为你觉得这很有意思
Two... plain old sick babies would bore you. 两个病因寻常的小孩会让你无聊的
See, this is why I don't waste money on shrinks, 看这就是我不用花钱看心理医生的缘故
'cause you give me all these really great insights for free. 因为你就能免费提供全部深刻见解
Shrink. 心理医生
If you would consider going to a shrink, 如果你打算看心理医生
I would pay for it myself. 我会自掏腰包
The hospital would hold a bake sale, for God's sake. 看在上帝的份上医院会举个行糕点义卖
We have an epidemic! 医院有传染病蔓延
Two sick babies is very sad, 两个生病的婴儿很不幸
but it doesn't prove an epidemic. 但不能证明是传染病
How many do? 几个才够
Get up! 起来
We're going hunting. 我们去打猎
For what? 猎什么
Wabbits. 病毒
Hi. 你好
Bye. 再见
He's screaming, he's fine. 他哭了没事的
Good looking baby. 多漂亮的宝贝儿
Oh, sorry, wrong room. 对不起走错房间了
We'll see you later. 回头见
12 rooms, that's it? 12个病房是吗
Yep. 没错儿
We've definitely checked the whole floor. 我们检查了整层
Good news, no epidemic. 好消息没有传染病
Tragic, huh? 杯具啊不是吗
Overflow rooms, third floor. 查查其他楼层的病房3层
This imaginary infection has spread to the next floor? 这个想象中的传染病蔓延到下一层了吗
We were just going to call. 我们正打算打电话
Did he get hot all of a sudden? 他是突然发烧的吗
Yeah. 是的
Almost there. 快到了
Don't worry, we're almost there. 别担心快到了
Excuse me! 打扰了
- Hi. - Hi. -你好 -你好
Intake sent you up here? 接待处让你们上来的吗
Yeah, my wife's contractions are less than... 是的我太太的宫缩少于...
Yeah, Intake messed up. 接待处搞错了
I'm very, very sorry. 我很抱歉非常对不起
Nurse Alpret will arrange for an ambulance 阿尔普莱特护士会安排救护车
to take you to Princeton General. 送你们去普林斯顿总院
The maternity ward is temporarily closed. 妇产科临时关闭
We have to leave?! 我们非走不可吗
Yes, I am very sorry. 是的我很抱歉
Why are you doing this? 为什么这么做
You'll be there very, very soon. 你们很快就能到那里
Happy now? 现在满意了
No. But I am interested. 不不过我感兴趣了
Three sick babies, and a fourth showing early symptoms. 三个发病婴儿第四个出现早期症状
How bad? 有多糟糕
Spiking fevers. 高烧
BP's plummeting. 血压下降
They're barely able to keep systolic up; 几乎无法维持心脏收缩
at this rate, they'll be dead in a day. 照这个速度一天之内就会死亡
Where did this come from? 婴儿来自哪里
Two delivery rooms, four different maternity rooms, 2个产房4个产后病房
no common personnel and no common equipment. 没有公共人员没有共用仪器
Well, there's gotta be something in common. 好吧肯定有什么是共同的
Yeah. That would be the difference between an epidemic and a coincidence. 没错这就是传染病和巧合的区别
I'm putting a team together.We're going to start swabbing. 我组织一队人开始消毒
What's she gonna swab? 消毒什么
Every respirator, 医院的每个呼吸器
sink, vent, drain in the entire hospital? 水槽通风口下水道吗
That'll take months. 要干上几个月呢
A needle in a haystack. 大海捞针啊
It's worse than that. 比这还糟
We don't even know what's the needle we're looking for. 我们都不知道要找的是不是针
Then why'd you let her go do it? 那你为什么还让她去做
Because the hospital's her baby, 因为医院是她的孩子
and her baby's sick. 孩子病了
If she doesn't solve this soon, her head's going to explode, 要是不马上解决她会发火的
and I don't want to get any on me. 我可不想被连累到
So let's figure out what's in the haystack. 所以让我们看看到底是什么
Differential diagnosis, people. 鉴别诊断
Parasite. 寄生虫
Spreading too quickly. 传播的太快了
Next? 下一个
Virus? 病毒呢
Kids are too sick, and the blood tests show no lymphocytosis. 孩子们病很重验血也没有淋巴球增多
And they're not responding to a cycle of avirarapovirin. 而且他们对利巴韦林没反应
If it's some other virus, we'll never find it in time, anyway. 如果是其他病毒我们也无法及时找到它
Which leads us to bacterial infection. 所以我们应该考虑细菌性感染
It's not responding to broad-spectrum antibiotics, 孩子们对广谱抗生素没反应
so we've got something resistant.The usual suspects. 因此是耐药菌株比较常见的怀疑对象
MRSA. It's always MRSA in hospitals. 抗甲氧西林金黄色葡萄球菌医院里总会有
Maybe a contaminated food or water source? 也许是污染的食物或者水源呢
Pseudomonas 绿脓杆菌
Vre? 抗万古霉素肠球菌
H-Flu. H流感
Okay, those are the big ones. 好吧这些是可能性比较大的
Cultures will take 48 hours,might as well be post-mortem. 细菌培养要48小时估计他们死后才能出结果
We'll start them on Vancomycin for the MRSA 给他们用万古霉素治疗抗甲氧西林金黄色葡萄球菌
and Aztreonam for the rest. 用氨曲南对付其它的病因
Let's get MRIs, check for abcesses or some occult infection. 去做核磁共振检查脓肿和隐性感染
I'll be in the clinic. Grab me if you find something important. 我会在门诊有重大发现马上通知我
Or unimportant. 不重大也行
We did a MRI on all the babies, 我们给所有婴儿做了核磁共振
and unfortunately, we didn't find anything, 不幸的是一无所获
so we're starting him on the strongest antibiotics we've got, 我们准备开始给他用最强效抗生素
and we're hoping that that'll take care of it. 希望这能解决问题
But he's so tiny. 不过他还这么小
How sick is he? 他的病有多严重
His fever's up to 103.5 and his blood pressures 80 over 40. 他的体温是103.5度[华氏]血压是80/40
Um, how bad is that? 很严重吗
Ah, it... 这...
It, it's low. 血压很低
The heart needs to circulate the blood. 心脏需要推动血液循环
If it's weak, oxygen isn't 如果心脏衰弱氧气不会进到
getting to the liver, the kidneys, the brain. 肝脏肾脏和大脑
Um, I have to ask you something. 我想问你
Judy... 朱迪...
No, no, Kim. Let me. 不不金让我说
Um, I had a cold last month, 我上个月得了感冒
and I told the doctors about it, and... 我和医生说了然后...
Honey, this has nothing to do with you. 亲爱的这和你没关系
Kim's right. 金说得没错
Your son was born healthy. 你儿子生下来的时候是健康的
He caught the infection after his birth. 他出生之后才被感染的
There's no reason to think he got it from you. 不可能是你传染给他的
But you don't know, I mean... 不过你不知道我是说
You don't know how he got sick. 你不知道他是怎么得病的
Pretty standard question: 相当标准的常见问题
how sick is my child? You couldn't answer it. 我孩子的病有多严重你居然回答不出
I answered. 我回答了
You rattled off numbers! BP, O2 stats... 你只是飞快的说了数字血压氧饱和度...
That's not what they need to know. 他们不想知道这些
What they need to know is the future. 他们想知道的是将要怎么样
Got a magic 8-ball? 难道你有魔力水晶球
No, just eight years of medical training. 不是但我经过八年的医学训练


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