It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way.
-- 「双城记」
对于复杂的代码工程,我们知识化信息的手段当然是RTFSC(Read the Fucking Source Code:-)。当然源代码的含义不仅仅是一堆字符本身,它代表了背后的设计,算法和性能等诸多考虑。
1. Xcode。AppStore上面搜索 Xcode,然后下载安装即可。整个过程耗时略长。
2. GDB。brew install GDB 即可。
3. Cmake。MySQL的编译是采用的Cmake ,官网直接下载安装即可。
4. MySQL源代码。推荐推荐Percona 版本或者Mariadb。Percona 或者 Mariadb。
以percona-server-5.6.24为例。Cmake的-G “Xcode”选项会生成Xcode的工程文件。
Cmake 之后,会生成一个xcodeproj的工程文件,使用xcode 打开就可以把mysql工程加入到 xcode了。
cd percona-server-5.6.24 && mkdir work && cmake . -G"Xcode"-DWITH_DEBUG=1-DWITH_TOKUDB_STORAGE_ENGINE=OFF-DWITHOUT_TOKUDB_STORAGE_ENGINE=ON-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/path-to/percona-server-5.6.24/work
在加入了Xcode之后,直接点击xcode的编译按钮就可以进行编译和build了,等完成之后会生成对应的二进制可执行文件。这个过程其实就是手工执行 make && make install的过程。但是 编译完成需要自己手工进行可执行文件的copy工作。
cd work ; mkdir {bin,share,scripts,data} && cp sql/Debug/mysqld work/bin/ && cp client/Debug/mysql* work/bin/ && cp extra/Debug/my_print_defaults work/bin/ && cp -r sql/share/* work/share/ && cp -r scripts/* work/scripts/ && chmod +x work/scripts/* && cp scripts/*.sql work/share/ && cp support-files/*.cnf work/share/