Lesson 53
【New words and expressions】生词和短语
●evolve v. 逐渐形成
●high-handed adj. 高压的,专横的
●incompetent adj. 不够格的,不称职的
●over-zealously adv. 过分热情地
●safeguard v. 保护
●parliamentary adj. 国会的
●qalified adj. 合格的
●grievance n. 不平,冤屈
●Justiteombudsman n. (瑞典的)司法特派员
●ombudsman n. (瑞典和英国的)司法特派员
●secretive adj. 保密的
●correspondence n. 来往信件
●alter v. 改变
●accusation n. 谴责,指控
●ascertain v. 查出,查明
●prejudiced adj. 有偏见的,不公平的
●prompt adj. 即时的
◆evolve v. 逐渐形成
vt. developgradually
Eg: He hasdeveloped / evolved a new system for running the factory.
evolve a systemfor doing sth.
Man has evolved
from the ape. 人类是从类人猿进化而来的。(演化)
evolve from
evolution 发展,演变
Eg: The evolutionisn’t unexpected.
-ism / socialism /
evolutionism 进化论
evolutionist 进化论者
evolutional 发展的, 进化的
resolve (L50) /
resolve to do sth. 下定决心做某事
resolution / revolve
Eg: The earth isround, and every day and night it is revolving.
involve vt. 卷入,牵涉/ be involved in
Eg: He is involvedin the case.
◆high-handed adj. 高压的,专横的
◆incompetent adj. 不够格的,不称职的
competent: havingability / qualification to do sth.
be competent to dosth.
be competent forsth.
qualified / fit
Eg: He iscompetent / qualified / fit for the job.
incompetent /unfit
competent:sufficient / enough adequate
Eg: He has acompetent knowledge of French.
He is competent toteach the language.
competnece /qualification for / to
the competence for/ to
Eg: He has theability to do the job.
He has thecapability / capacity of doing the job.
He has thecompetence to do / for the job.
◆over-zealously adv. 过分热情地
over- zealous /zealously
◆safeguard v. 保护
safequard: n. /
vt. (书面用语,比较正式)
Eg: We mustsafeguard our motherland.
We must safegiardour state territorial integrity.
Keeping clean is asafeguard against disease.
safeguard / guard 保安
Eg: We needseveral safeguards.
safeguard /protect our eyes
◆parliamentary adj. 国会的
◆qalified adj. 合格的
◆grievance n. 不平,冤屈
Eg: I can’t go tothe cinema with you tonight because I have to comfort my friend in grief.
grieve: causegrief to
Eg: It grieves meto see him in such bad health.
grieve for / about/ over
grieve / in grief
grieve / itgrieves me
◆Justiteombudsman n. (瑞典的)司法特派员
◆ombudsman n. (瑞典和英国的)司法特派员
◆secretive adj. 保密的
secritive letters
◆correspondence n. 来往信件
keep up
correspondence 保持通信联系
keep in touch withsb. by writing letters
Eg: We keep upcorrespondence recently for several years.
by / throughcorrespondence
by writing letters
school 函授学校
course 函授课程
agreement / similarity 相似,一致
in correspondence
with sb. 与......一致 / 保持通信联系
bring sth. intocorrespondence with sth.
Eg: We must bringyour idea into correspondence with mine.
correspondent 通信员,通信者
◆◆◆alter v. 改变
alter / change
alter: change incharacter, appearance etc. partly
Eg: The shirt mustbe altered. It is too large.
change: 完全、彻底的变化
Eg: Great changeshave taken place in our country.
He changed a lotafter so many years of hard work, so I even can’t recognise him.
convert: 改变(态度上);变化
Eg: He convertedto Buddhism.
The new house isconverted from an old one.
transform: 形态或性质上发生变化,主要指物理能量上的转变,或电压的改变
Eg: We cantransform one form of energy into another.
vary: 由于改变而使多样化
Eg: Customs varywith the times
◆accusation n. 谴责,指控
◆ascertain v. 查出,查明
find out / get toknow / make certain / make sure
Eg: Let usascertain when we will hold the party.
读音:certain / ascertain
◆prejudiced adj. 有偏见的,不公平的
Pride and
Prejudice 傲慢与偏见
◆prompt adj. 即时的
Lesson 53 In the
public interest 为了公众的利益
Listen to the tapethen answer the question below.
What could not bereported in the official flees?
The Scandinaviancountries are much admired all over the world for their enlightened socialpolicies. Sweden has evolved an excellent system for protecting the individualcitizen from high-
handed or incompetent public officers. The system has worked so well, that ithas been adopted in other countries too.
The Swedes werethe first to recognize that public official like civil servants, policeofficers, health inspectors or tax-collectors can make mistakes or act over-zealouslyin the belief that they are serving the public. As long ago as 1809, theSwedish Parliament introduced a scheme to safeguard the interest of theindividual. A parliamentary committee representing all political partiesappoints a person who is suitably qualified to investigate private grievancesagainst the State. The official title of the person is 'Justiteombudsman', butthe Swedes commonly refer to him as the 'J.O.' or 'Ombudsman'. The Ombudsman isnot subject to political pressure. He investigates complaints large and smallthat come to him from all levels of society. As complaints must be made inwriting, the Ombudsman receives an average of 1,200 letters a year. He haseight lawyer assistants to help him and examines every single letter in detail.There is nothing secretive about the Ombudsman's work, for his correspondenceis open to public inspection. If a citizen's complaint is justified, theOmbudsman will act on his behalf. The action he takes varies according to thenature of the complaint. He may gently reprimand an official or even suggest toparliament that a law the altered. The following case is a typical example ofthe Ombudsman's work.
A foreigner livingin a Swedish village wrote to the Ombudsman complaining that he had been ill-treatedby the police, simply because he was a foreigner. The Ombudsman immediatelywrote to the Chief of Police in the district asking him to send a record of thecase. There was nothing in the record to show that the foreigner's complaintwas justified and the Chief of Police strongly denied the accusation. It wasimpossible for the Ombudsman to take action, but when he received a similarcomplaint from another foreigner in the same village, he immediately sent oneof his layers to investigate the matter. The lawyer ascertained that apoliceman had indeed dealt roughly with foreigners on several occasions. Thefact that the policeman was prejudiced against foreigners could not be recordedin the official files. It was only possible for the Ombudsman to find this outby sending one of his representatives to check the facts. The policeman inquestion was severely reprimanded and was informed that if any furthercomplaints were lodged against him, he would be prosecuted. The Ombudsman'sprompt action at once put an end to an unpleasant practice which might havegone unnoticed.
for: because of
be admired for
Eg: He is admiredby us for his humor.
背熟:evolved an excellent system for protectingthe individual citizen from..
evolve a systemfor doing sth.
protect /safeguard from
Eg: I can’t
conceal my amusement. 我不能够掩饰我幸灾乐祸的心情。
Your excitement is
beyond me. 你的激动的表现/心情是我难以理解的。
evolve anexcellent system for doing sth.
has worked so well:workable
adopt / adapt
adopt 采纳
adapt 改编,以适应(指修改或改变以适应新条件)
were the first /secone / last / only to do sth.
public officials:public officers
in the beliefthat: believe in
Eg: He turned tome for help because he believed that I could help him.
He turned to mefor help in the believe that I could lend him a hand.
He turned to mefor help believing that I could lend him a hand.
in the hope:hoping
in the thought:thinking
Eg: We come herein the hope that we will learn English well.
We come herehoping to learn English well.
Judges, howeverwise or eminent, are mortak and can make mistakes.
as long ago as1809: dating back to 1809
date back to /date from
introduce : bring
in 引入
Eg: He introducedscience to the game boxing.
He brought scienceinto the game boxing.
scheme 制度
Eg: Sometimes, youneed to find a right place to put your latest addition.
Eg: The statuerepresented a goddess.
A monitorrepresenting his classmates.
be qualified to dosth. / be competent to do sth.
refer to sb. as 把某人称之为......
背熟:The Ombudsman is not subject to politicalpressure.
be subject to sth.易受......的影响 (to 介词); 隶属于
Eg: He is subjectto cold during winter.
be likely to do (不定式to)
Eg: He is likelyto catch cold during winter.
be prone to
Eg: He is prone toflu during winter.
be liable to do
Eg: Your plan is subjectto my approval.
We have a goodplan, but the plan must be subject to our teacher’s approval.
背熟:He investigates complaints large and smallthat come to him from all levels of society.
complaints large
and small 形容词短语做定语,放在被修饰词之后
Eg: A great manystudents, boy and girl, went to the party yesterday.
Many people, oldand yound, visit the shop.
be made inwriting: be written down
an average of 平均
I work for 8 hoursevery day.
I work for anaverage of 8 hours a day.
We have got 15students in each class.
each 二个的平均
every 三个以上的平均
Eg: We have got anaverage of 15 students in each / every class.
in detail / indetails
justified: justice
on his behalf: inhis interest
vary / varied /various
名词前加定冠词the表示“这一类”时,名词就不要加表示复数的-s, 否则则表示这部分。
Eg: The refrigerators
are useful during hot summer. (错)
The refrigeratoris useful during hot summer.
Refrigerators areuseful during hot summer.
A refrigerator isuseful during hot summer.
nature: character
a law (should) bealtered
suggest to sb.
背熟:The following case is a typical example ofthe Ombudsman's work.
The following caseis a typical example of it you can judge by yourself.
Paragraph 3:
A foreigner livingin a Swedish village: A foreigner who is living in a Swedish village.
A foreigner wrotea letter to the Ombudsman complaining...
The editor sent afax instructing the journalist to get statistics.
simply because:only because / just because
accuse sb. of doingsth.
the matter: thecase
背熟:The lawyer ascertained that a policeman hadindeed dealt roughly with foreigners on several occasions.
ascertain that /sth.
made sure that /made certain that
dealt roughlywith: ill-treated
be prejudicedagainst sb. / sth.
Eg: If you areprejudiced against sth. , you must take objection to it.
find this out: todiscover it
check the facts:verify the facts
It is onlypossible for us to learn the language well if we study hard.
representative /represent
a committee representingall political parties
lawyer assistants
in question: 当事的,所涉及的
practice: what thepoliceman did / the way that he treated with foreigners
put an end to
You prevent mefrom doing the work
背熟:The Ombudsman's prompt action at once putan end to an unpleasant practice which might have gone unnoticed.
which might havegone unnoticed: which might have gone without being noticed
Eg: If they hadhad only one more child, they would have lived in obscurity unnoticed.
§ Lesson 54 Instinct or cleverness? 是本能还是机智
【New words and expressions】生词和短语
●insect n. 昆虫
●wage v. 进行(斗争)
●contaminate v. 弄脏
●provocation n. 惹怒
●spider n. 蜘蛛
●wasp n. 黄蜂
●moth n. 飞蛾
●ant n. 蚂蚁
●revulsion n. 厌恶
●horde n. 群
●uncanny adj. 神秘的,不可思议的
●erase v. 擦,抹去
●praying mantis 螳螂
●entranced adj. 出神的
●beetle n. 甲虫
●sheltered adj. 伤不着的,无危险的
●luscious adj. 甘美的
●cluster n. 一簇
●aphid n. 蚜虫
●underside n. 底面,下侧
●colony n. 一群
●sticky adj. 粘的
●scurry v. 小步跑
●swarm v. 聚集
●ingenuity n. 机灵
◆insect n. 昆虫
◆wage v. 进行(斗争)
wage: begin andcontinue a struggle
wage a war against/ on
Eg: Life meansperpetual struggle against poverty.
carry on
undertake to do 着手
Eg: He undertookto inform people concerned.
engage in / beengaged in / be determined on sth. / be dedicated to sth. / be devoted to sth.
◆◆◆contaminate v. 弄脏
contaminate /pollute
contaminate: makedirty or bad or impure by mixing with dirty or poisonous matter.
Eg: Don’t eat theapple. It has been contaminated by flies.
Never eat foodcontaminated by flies.
Don’t read the hot
story just because it will contaminate your mind. 别阅读黄色书刊。
hot story 色情小说 blue movie色情电影
Eg: The air hasbeen polluted severely / terribly / badly.
pollution /polluted
tint vt. 弄脏(通常指坏因素对你的影响)
Eg: Don’t read thehot story just because it will contaminate / tint your mind.
His reputation was
tinted by the scandal. 他的名声被丑闻沾污了。
scandal 丑闻
foul : 弄脏make sth. dirty
Eg: Dogs areforbidden to go into the streets because we are afraid the streets will befouled.
The factory is
responsible for fouling up the air. (相当于pollute)
foul up == pollute
defile 弄脏,污染make sth. impure
Eg: I like honey,but I don’t want to drink the honey defiled by flies.
poison / foul up /pollute
Eg: Gases fromcars are poisoning the air of our city.
Read: pollute /foul up / poison / contaminate / defile / tint
Eg: He iscontaminated / tinted by hot stories.
Hot stories
contaminate / tint his mind. provocation n. 惹怒
provoke v.
1. make angry orbad-tempered
Eg: He wasprovoked beyond his endurance.
He was provokedand it was more than he could endure.
2. cause 引起,导致,激起
Eg: The bookarouses / provokes my interest.
bring about /result in / lead to / give rise to
provoke sb’sinterest in sth.
provoke sb, to do/ provoke sb. into doing / cause sb. to do sth.
Eg: You provokedhim to say so. Why?
Eg: Hisprovocation is beyond my endurance.
◆spider n. 蜘蛛
◆wasp n. 黄蜂
◆moth n. 飞蛾
◆ant n. 蚂蚁
◆revulsion n. 厌恶
disgust / dislike
◆horde n. 群
◆uncanny adj. 神秘的,不可思议的
Eg: They are leadinga mysterious life.
In spite of this,he survived mysteriously.
eerie 怪诞的,奇异的
Eg: He lookseerie. / What he said is eerie to me.
weird 怪异的,怪诞的,神秘的 (行为举止让人摸不着头尾)
Eg: I can’t getalong well with him because he is a weird person.
Why do you decideto many such a weird person?
cryptic 神秘的,鬼鬼崽崽的
Eg: Why did you dosuch a little thing in a cryptic way.
Read: eerie /weird / cryptic / mysterious / uncanny
◆erase v. 擦,抹去
Eg: Erease theidea from your mind!
He erases the namefrom the namelist.
cancel / write off/ cross off
Eg: The word isunnecessary here, so it is crossed off.
wipe out
Eg: I want towrite on the blackboard, so I have to wipe all the words here out.
I can’t imagingwhy you are so hot, please wipe out sweat on your face.
obliterate 涂去
Eg: He obliteratedtwo words in ink / with a pen.
I obliterate the word with chalk.
◆praying mantis 螳螂
◆entranced adj. 出神的
entrance to theroom / hall
entrance: carry
away with joy and delight 入迷,出神
be entranced inthought
Eg: I don’t knowwhat he has in his mind. Anyway he is entranced in thought.
be entranced with
fear 吓得魂不附体
Eg: At the storyat night, I was entranced with fear.
be pleased with /be satisfied with / be popular with / be entranced with performance / film /book
Eg: He wasentranced with film.
Are you entrancedwith the story?
He listened to thestory entranced.
The writer watchedants entranced.
◆beetle n. 甲虫
◆sheltered adj. 伤不着的,无危险的
◆luscious adj. 甘美的
◆cluster n. 一簇
◆aphid n. 蚜虫
◆underside n. 底面,下侧
◆colony n. 一群
◆sticky adj. 粘的
◆scurry v. 小步跑
◆swarm v. 聚集
◆ingenuity n. 机灵
Eg: The boy showsingenulity in making toys.
Lesson 54 Instinct
or cleverness? 是本能还是机智
Listen to the tapethen answer the question below.
Was the writersuccessful in protecting his peach tree? Why not?
We have beenbrought up to fear insects. We regard them as unnecessary creatures that domore harm than good. We continually wage war on them, for they contaminate ourfood, carry diseases, or devour our crops. They sting or bite withoutprovocation; they fly uninvited into our rooms on summer nights, or beat ageistour lighted windows. We live in dread not only of unpleasant insects likespiders or wasps, but of quite harmless one like moths. Reading about them increasesour understanding without dispelling our fears. Knowing that the industriousant lives in a highly organized society does nothing to prevent us from beingfilled with revulsion when we find hordes of them crawling over a carefullyprepared picnic lunch. No matter how much we like honey, or how much we haveread about the uncanny sense of direction which bees possess, we have a horrorof being stung. Most of our fears are unreasonable, but they are impossible toerase. At the same time, however, insects are strangely fascinating. We enjoyreading about them, especially when we find that, like the praying mantis, theylead perfectly horrible lives. We enjoy staring at them, entranced as they goabout their business, unaware (we hope) of our presence. Who has not stood inawe at the sight of a spider pouncing on a fly, or a column of antstriumphantly bearing home an enormous dead beetle?
Last summer Ispent days in the garden watching thousands of ants crawling up the trunk of myprize peach tree. The tree has grown against a warm wall on a sheltered side ofthe house. I am especially proud of it, not only because it has survivedseveral severe winters, but because it occasionally produces luscious peaches.During the summer, I noticed tat the leaves of the tree were beginning towither. Clusters of tiny insects called aphids were to be found on theunderside of the leaves. They were visited by a large colony of ants which obtaineda sort of honey from them. I immediately embarked on an experiment which, eventhough if failed to get rid of the ants, kept me fascinated for twenty-fourhours. I bound the base of the tree with sticky tape, making it impossible forthe ants to reach the aphids. The tape was so stick that they did not dare tocross it. For a long time. I watched them scurrying around the base of the treein bewilderment. I even went out at midnight with a torch and noted withsatisfaction (and surprise) that the ants were still swarming around the stickytape without being able to do anything about it. I got up early next morninghoping to find that the ants had given up in despair. Instead, I saw that theyhad discovered a new route. They were climbing up the wall of the house andthen on to the leaves of the tree. I realized sadly that I had been completelydefeated by their ingenuity. The ants had been quick to find an answer to mythoroughly unscientific methods!
背熟:We have been brought up to fear insects.
Eg: We have beenbrought up to eat certain food.
We have learnt todo ...
We have learnt tofear insects.
Girls have beenbrought up to fear mice.
do more harm thangood
Eg: The exercesewill do you good.
Smoking will doyou harm.
wage war against /wage war on them
Eg: Two dogsbenefited from the accident and they devoured the remains of the cake.
Her eyes devourthe beautiful dress.
fly uninvited into
our rooms / without being invited 不请自来
做定语时,light 只能用lighted 形式。
背熟:We live in dread not only of unpleasantinsects like spiders or wasps, but of quite harmless one like moths.
Eg: I did so as /because I believe that you can do it well.
I did so in thebelief that...
in the thoughtthat / in the hope that
in / under
Eg: Even he stilllives under the illusion that country life is much more veautiful.
Eg: We live underthe illusion that city life is wonderful.
in dread: in fear
in dread of
dread doing /dread to do
ones: insects
在使用not only..., but (also ) ... (as well) 句型时,要突出介词短语或动词短语中的介词,则此介词要重复出现。
Eg: I live indread not only of dogs, but of cats.
be afraid of
Eg: I am afraidnot only of dogs, but of cats.
both ... and ...
Eg: We live indread of both dogs and cats.
I am interestednot only in English, but in French.
dispel : erase /get rid of / remove消除
Knowing that theindustrious ant lives in a highly organized society does nothing to prevent usfrom being
主语 谓语
filled withrevulsion when we find hordes of them crawling over a carefully prepared picniclunch.
in a highlyorganized society
Eg: We live in ahighly organized society.
用does nothing to do造句
Eg: Doing so doesnothing to prevent me from hating you.
prevent sb. from doingsth.
Eg: Nothing willprevent me from saying so.
Whatever you saydoes nothing to prevent me from attaining / accomplish my goal.
accomplish goal /attain goal
accomplish aim /attain aim
horde / colony
crawl / creep /climb
背熟:No matter how much we like honey, or howmuch we have read about the uncanny sense of direction which bees possess, wehave a horror of being stung.
No matter how:however much
dread / fear /horror / terror
we becomeillogical when we have a horror of being stung.
It is impossiblefor us to do sth.
It is impossiblefor us to erase the fears.
It is easy foreveryone to read. / it is easy to read.
be fascinated with
strangely: uncanny
go about theirbusiness: as they do what they should do
as they get down totheir business
Let us get down toour business.
You should go
about your business. 你该干你应该干的事。
背熟:Who has not stood in awe at the sight of aspider pouncing on a fly
stand in awe: fearbut respect
pounce on: jump at/ charge at
stand in awe of
Eg: Generallyspeaking, employees stand in awe of their employer.
In primary school,puples stand in awe of their teacher.
a colony of ants
Paragraph 2:
prize: dear
horde / colony /column / cluster
were to be found /were found
see / find /
congratulate (祝贺) 常和be to 搭配,用于被动语态。
Eg: The boy wasfound behind the door.
The boy was to befound behind the door.
He wascongratulated by his friends.
He was to becongratulated by his friends.
We can’t find himanywhere. / We can find him nowhere.
He is nowhere tobe found / seen.
which obtained: toobtain
embark on: set outto do / set about doing
Eg: I immediatelyset out to do an experiment.
本课的要点内容:even though if failed to get rid of theants, kept me fascinated for twenty-four hours.
kept me fascinated: kept me occupied
bind / bound
背熟:I bound the base of the tree with stickytape, making it impossible for the ants to reach the aphids.
making itimpossible for sb. to do
Eg: I work hardmaking it possible to pass the examination.
I prepared dinnercarefully, making it possible to please my guests.
They didn’t dareto cross it. / They dared not cross it.
Eg: You needn’t
come here on Sunday. 助动词
You don’t need to
come here on Sunday. 实义动词
in bewilderment:were lost
swarming around
without being albeto do anything about it
unable to doanything about it
背熟:I got up early next morning hoping to findthat the ants had given up in despair.
hoping to do: inthe hope that
背熟:I realized sadly that I had been completelydefeated by their ingenuity.
I took a beatingcompletely.
be quick to findanswer to / a solution to
Eg: Daniel Mendozawas quick to learn.
Ants are quick tofind answer to their problem.
Explain themeanings of the ofllowing words as they are used in the passage: contaminate(l.3); devour (l.4); provocation (l.4); dispelling (l.8); revulsion (l.9);pouncing (l.15)
contaminate: makedirty, make impure
contaminate /taint
contaminate /defile
pollute / foul up/ poison
devour: eathungrily
provocation: beingmake angry
provoke: makeangry
dispel: erase
Nothing can dispelour fear.
industrious: hardwo rking
revolsion: dislike
pouncing:jumping at suddenly
pounce on: 猛扑向
Eg: The customsofficer pounced on my tiny bottle.(L11)
【Multiple choice questions】
1 We may learn more about the behaviour ofinsects _____ .
a. and become sofascinated by them that we are no longer moved by them
b. but we are noless likely to lose our irrational fear of them
c. provided theyremain unaware of our presence while we observe them
d. as long as theyonly harm each other and not us
rational 理性的 / irrational 没理性的
logical /illogical
reasonable /unreasonable
retional /irrational
outrageous /ridiculous
be likely to do 有可能做
no less likely 可能性不大
we are no lesslikely to do sth.
2 The ant is an insect which _____ .
a. will eat itsway through anything from picnic lunches to aphids
b. lives in ahighly organized society which we find disqusting
c. once it haskilled its prey, will bear it home in a triumphal column
d. shows greatingenuity at finding its way round any obstacle in its path
3 Had the peach tree been planted on theopposite side of the house _____ .
a. it might nothave survived the severe winters
b. the writerwould not have spent days looking at it
c. the ants wouldhave had further to go before reaching it
d. the ants wouldnot have found another route of access to the leaves
4 The reason for the ants’ swarming up and downthe tree was that _____ .
a. they collecteda kind of honey from the leaves
b. they fed on akind of honey contraned in the sap of the tree
c. they weremilking a kind of honey from the aphids on the leaves
d. they needed togo back to their nest in the branches of the tree
up and down 上上下下 /来来回回
around 来来回回
Clusters ofinsects called aphids were to be found on the underside of the leaves.
5 By reading about them, we may increase ourunderstanding but _____ dispel our fears. (ll.7-8)
a. we willnot b. it does not c. this will not d. not
6 Most of our fears are unreasonable, but wefind _____ . (l.12)
a. it impossibleto erase them b. that they cannoterase
c. them to eraseimpossible d. erasing themimpossible
7 ---- an experiment which, _____ failure toget rid of the ants, kept me fascinated. (ll.22-23)
a. even though itwas b. in spite of the c. despite its d. was a
in spite of /despite / in contempt of / in disregard of
8 _____ long to find an answer to ... (ll.30-31)
a. The ants hadnot been b. The quick ants had notbeen
c. The ants hadnot spent d. It had not taken the ants
it takes sb. orsth. some time to do
9 Even when we know that the ant is anindustrious creature which leads a highly organized life, we cannot _____ beingfilled with ... (ll.8-10)
a. refuse b. help c. prevent d. lose
can not help doing/ can not resist doing
10 ---- we have read about the _____ sense ofdirection which bee possess ... (l.11)
a. unknown b. mysterious c. infinite d. disabled
11 The tree occasionally produces _____ fruit.(ll.19-20)
a. deliciouslyfresh b. sweet and juicy c. tender d. exotic
deliciously fresh 美味的
tender 温柔的,
exotic 未来的
12 I had been completelydefeated by the _____ (ll.29-30)
a. speedyswarms b. hungry hordes c. inventive creatures d. ingenuous insects
speedy / swift /rapid / fast / quick/ hasty
ingenuous 天真的,老实的
【Key to Multiple choice questions】
1. B 2. D 3. A 4. C 5. C 6. A 7. C 8. D 9. B 10. B 11. B 12. C
§ Lesson 58 A spot of bother 一点儿小麻烦
【New words and expressions】生词和短语
●lift n. 电梯
●monstrous adj. 极大的,可怕的
●negligence n. 粗心大意
●prudent adj. 谨慎的
●composure n. 镇静,沉着
●intruder n. 入侵者(尤指欲行窃者)
●lurk v. 潜藏
●hinder v. 妨碍
●fingerprint n. 指纹
●chaos n. 混乱,无秩序
●inconceivable adj. 不可思议的
●veritable adj. 真正的,地地道道的
●magpie n. 喜欢收藏物品的人
●toss v. 扔
●discard v. 丢弃
●constable n. 警察
●ransack v. 洗劫
●balcony n. 阳台
●fussy adj. 大惊小怪的,小题大作的
◆lift n. 电梯
◆monstrous adj. 极大的,可怕的
monstrous ghost
◆negligence n. 粗心大意
carelessness 比其正式
Eg: We must becareful otherwise we would get into trouble because of negligence.
◆prudent adj. 谨慎的
discreet / careful/ cautious
◆composure n. 镇静,沉着
◆intruder n. 入侵者(尤指欲行窃者)
◆lurk v. 潜藏
lurk in thedarkness
◆hinder v. 妨碍
hinder sb. fromdoing sth. / prevent sb. from doing sth.
◆fingerprint n. 指纹
◆chaos n. 混乱,无秩序
in state of chaos
order / disorder
◆inconceivable adj. 不可思议的
conceive of
Eg: I can’tconceive of it.
conceive of sth.as
Eg: I conceive ofthe life there as beautiful picture.
regard as /describe as / imagine as / refer to ... as / think of ... as
conceivable /inconceivable
◆◆veritable adj. 真正的,地地道道的
◆magpie n. 喜欢收藏物品的人
magpie: a personwho likes to collect things as mania or serious hobby.
Eg: Let us toss acoin to decide.
◆toss v. 扔
◆discard v. 丢弃
abandon / desert /forsake
discard: give upas useless
discard uselessthings
discard sth. for
discard a for b
◆constable n. 警察
◆ransack v. 洗劫
Eg: The robbersransack the bank.
◆balcony n. 阳台
◆fussy adj. 大惊小怪的,小题大作的
Eg:You are a fussyperson.
●monstrous adj. 极大的,可怕的
●negligence n. 粗心大意
●prudent adj. 谨慎的
●hinder v. 妨碍
●chaos n. 混乱,无秩序
●inconceivable adj. 不可思议的
●toss v. 扔
●discard v. 丢弃
●ransack v. 洗劫
●fussy adj. 大惊小怪的,小题大作的
§ Lesson 58 A spot of bother 一点儿小麻烦
Listen to the tapethen answer the question below.
What did the oldlady find when she got home?
The old lady wasglad to be back at the block of flats where she lived. Her shopping had tiredher and her basket ad grown heavier with every step of the way home. In thelift her thoughts were on lunch and a good rest; but when she got out at herown floor, both were forgotten in her sudden discovery that her front door wasopen. She was thinking that she must reprimand her home help the next morningfor such a monstrous piece of negligence, when she remembered that she had goneshopping after the home help had left and she knew that she had turned bothkeys in their locks, She walked slowly into the hall and at once noticed thatall the room doors were open, yet following her regular practice she had shutthem before going out. Looking into the drawing room, she saw a scene ofconfusion over by her writing desk. It was as clear as daylight then thatburglars had forced an entry during her absence. Her first impulse was to goround all the rooms lookingfor the thieves, but then she decided that at herage it might be more prudent to have someone with her, so she went to fetch theporter from his basement. By this time her legs were beginning to tremble, soshe sat down and accepted a cup of very strong tea, while he telephoned thepolice. Then, her composure regained, she was ready to set off with theporter's assistance to search for nay intruders who might still be lurking inher flat.
They went throughthe rooms, being careful to touch nothing, as they did not want to hinder thepolice in their search for fingerprints. The chaos was inconceivable. She hadlived in the flat for thirty years and was a veritable magpie at hoarding; andit seemed as though everything she possessed had been tossed out and turnedover and over. At least sorting out the things she should have discarded yearsago was now being made easier for her. Then a police inspector arrived with aconstable and she told them of her discovery of the ransacked flat. The inspectorbegan to look for fingerprints, while the constable checked that the front doorlocks had not been forced, thereby proving that the burglars had either usedskeleton keys or entered over the balcony. There was no trace of fingerprints,but the inspector found a dirty red bundle that con-
tained jewellery which the old lady said was not hers. So their entry into thisflat was apparently not the burglars' first job that day and they must havebeen disturbed. The inspector then asked the old lady to try to check what wasmissing by the next day and advised her not to stay alone in the flat for a fewnights. The old lady though the was a fussy creature, but since the porteragreed with him, she rang up her daughter and asked for her help in what shedescribed as a little spot of bother.
A spot of bother:A bit of bother
背熟:Her shopping had tired her and her basketad grown heavier with every step of the way home.
exhausted / tiredout / worn out / wear out
Her basket hadgrown heavier and heavier
Eg: Having alesson tired me and my school bag had grown heavier with every step of the wayhome.
背熟:In the lift her thoughts were on lunch anda good rest
in the lift shethought about her lunch and a good rest.
her thoughts 作主语
thoughts ... on
Eg: I didn’tnotice you at that time because my thoughts were on the textbook.
Your thoughts mustbe on them.
背熟:but when she got out at her own floor, bothwere forgotten in her sudden discovery that her front door was open.
in the belief that(L53)
Public officialscan make mistakes or act over-zealously in the belief that they are serving thepublic.
for such amonstrous piece of negligence
negligence 不可数名词
a piece ofnegligence
when: at themoment
背熟:following her regular practice she had shutthem before going out.
confusion: chaos
背熟:It was as clear as daylight
Eg: He is asstubbom as a mule.
You are as poor asa church mouse.
背熟:Her first impulse was to go round all therooms looking for the thieves
regain: recover 恢复
she was ready toset off to search for any intruders who might still be lurking in her flat withthe porter’s assistance.
go through: search
as though : as if
背熟:At least sorting out the things she shouldhave discarded years ago was now being made easier for her.
forced: broken
背熟:there was no trace of sth.
bundle: parcel
a bundle of hay
entry WTO
creature: livingthing
in her suddendiscovery that...
in the belief that
§ Lesson 59 Collecting 收藏
【New words and expressions】生词和短语
●amass v. 积聚
●indiscriminate adj. 不加选择的
●clutter n. 一堆杂物
●string n. 细线
●requisite n. 必需品
●mania n. 癖好
●sketch n. 草图,图样
●remote adj. (机会,可能性)少的,小的
●strong-minded adj. 意志坚强的
●relaxation n. 休息,娱乐
●verify v. 查证,核实
●bearing n. 关系,联系
●like-minded adj. 志趣相投的
●specimen n. 标本
●constructively adv. 有益的,积极的
●contented adj. 心满意足的
●boredom n. 烦恼,无聊
Paragraph 1
l.7 accumulate
l.20 collection
l.22 addition
l.23 hobby
l.25 the latestfind
◆amass v. 积聚
gather: (小型)聚集
assemble: (大型) 集会
amass: (书面化)积聚, 所积累的东西有很高的价值
collect: 收藏
collect stamps
collect matchboxes
collect tax
collect parcel
store / holdup: 大量贮藏
◆◆indiscriminate adj. 不加选择的
Eg: He isindiscriminate in making friends.
uncritical 不加以评判的
critical :批评的,批判的
Eg: He is uncriticalwhile going shopping.
unselective 不加以选择的
haphazard adj. 任意的,无计划的
make haphazard
remarks 妄加评论,随口乱说
random adj. &
n. 任意的, 胡乱的
at random
Eg: This is myrandom guess.
casual adj. 随便的(漫不经心)
casually adv.
adj. 不加以区别的
discriminate: 加以选择
Read:undiscriminating; unselective; uncritical; haphazard; random; casual; atrandom; desultory
desultory : 随意的(无条理)
Eg: The carefulstudy of a few books is better than the desultory reading og many.
◆clutter n. 一堆杂物
piles of junk /clutter litter that floor
◆string n. 细线
string : 连锁的
a string of: 一串
◆requisite n. 必需品
living resquisite
necessity: 生活必需品,必不可缺的因素
◆◆mania n. 癖好
have a mania for
doing sth.: 有做某事的癖好 (狂热)
craze: 狂热,时尚
be crazy about
hobby: 很重视(不会忽略)
mania: 癖好(老年人)
desire: n. 做某事的强烈愿望
have desire for(to do ) sth.
madness n. 疯狂的行为
be mad about
insanity n. 疯狂(=madness)
insane adj.失支理智的
Eg: His insanityis unexpected.
◆sketch n. 草图,图样
◆remote adj. (机会,可能性)少的,小的
possibility /chance
Eg: The chancesare remote that he will pass his examination.
The chances thathe will leave the hospital for new year celebration are good.
◆strong-minded adj. 意志坚强的
◆relaxation n. 休息,娱乐
◆◆◆verify vt. 查证,核实
Eg: You mustverify the numbers / statistics.
verify the facts
certify : 证明,保证
confirm: 证实
Eg: My boss canconfirm that I was here at that time.
document n. 文件;v. 用文件证明
Eg: Pleasedocument what you said just now.
I don’t believeyou. I only believe in document.
substantiate: 证明(某事有根据)
Eg: I cansubstantiate it.
validate: 使生效,确认,证实
valid: 有效的
Eg: We mustvalidate the law.
When we use a new teachingmethod, we must validate it at first.
prove: 证明证实是否怎样
Read: verify /certify / confirm / document / validate / prove / substantiate
Eg: Please checkthe figures / statistics.
◆bearing n. 关系,联系
relation /connection
association: 联想
◆like-minded adj. 志趣相投的
Eg: We’d like tomake friends with like-minded people.
◆specimen n. 标本
◆constructively adv. 有益的,积极的
◆◆◆contented adj. 心满意足的
pleased /satisfied / delighted
Eg: Robert was notonly pleased with my arrival but also delighted with my little gift.
be contented withsth. / sb.
◆boredom n. 烦恼,无聊
monotonous /tedious / tired / tiresome / bored